Marvel’s first-ever animated series, What If…?, has introduced the Watcher to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is perhaps a character who wields immense power and abilities yet falls to Ultron. Here is why.


Marvel’s first-ever animated series, What If…?, has introduced the Watcher to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a character who wields immense power and abilities yet falls to Ultron. While only a few things about the MCU’s version of the Watcher have been revealed so far, the character surely possesses a piece of extensive knowledge about the things that are happening around the multiverse. Even the comic world has shared a bit about the nature and power of the Watcher, explaining why he ends up losing to Ultron in Marvel’s What If…? episode 8.

In Marvel Comics, the Watcher’s name is Uatu and there is a whole race of characters like him who observes the things going around the universe. Uatu’s powers are indeed impressive and extensive in the comic world including everything he does; from becoming invisible to fighting to time travel, along with his incredible physical strength that is near-omniscience. But, with that said, it still remained unclear that how many abilities out of them does the MCU version of the Watcher possesses.


In Marvel’s What If…? episode 8, the Watcher goes against a version of Ultron who has wielded all six Infinity Stones. But despite the Watcher’s immense powers, he failed miserably. Apparently, Ultron with all the Infinity Stones is perhaps powerful and that is why the Watcher fears to even enter the ring against Ultron. But the Watcher still tries to reveal some striking armor to defeat Ultron but it was not enough.


Apparently, in any strict combat situation, the Watcher could even defeat any of the Avengers. But as his name implies, the Watcher is not a warrior and that is why he ultimately loses to Ultron without being weaker at all. But it looks like the situation might turn around in What If…? episode 9 and it would be even intriguing to discover more about the Watcher’s history.

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