Monday morning,brought drastic news, Sony sent shockwaves around the MCU after the first Morbius teaser trailer seemingly used Michael Keaton’s Adrian Toomes/Vulture in a post-credits stinger of sorts. While it hasn’t been verified Toomes is actually who Keaton is playing in the movie, the A-list actor is wearing the exactly same outfit fans saw in the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

MORBIUS: Official Trailer released by Sony Pictures links connection to MCU

"MORBIUS"  -  Trailer Oficial (Sony Pictures Portugal)

If we dig a little under, however, a Vulture appearance isn’t the only connection Morbius has to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In a release distributed by the studio shortly after the trailer was uploaded online, the writing team of Art Marcum and Matt Holloway had received a screenplay writing credit. For the uninitiated, Marcum and Holloway were the screenwriters behind  the movie Iron Man, the one movie that launched the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

jared leto morbius trailer 02
Morbius: Teaser released

When Morbius was first announced, it was reported Power Rangers scribes Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless had developed a script in secret so as not to leak any sort of announcements. Like Marcum and Holloway, Sazama and Sharpless both received writing credits.

Since Sazama and Sharpless were the only two credited with “Story by” credits, it’s reasonable Marcum and Holloway boarded the property sometime after it was in development, likely to help spruce up the script as Sony prepared it for production. The duo has been really busy in the genre after Iron Man hit theaters; they’ve earned credits on the movies; Punisher: War Zone, Transformers: The Last Knight, and Men in Black: International since the Jon Favreau hit was released.

Morbius: Starcast and Release

Morbius starring Jared Leto

Morbius stars Jared Leto as the titular character, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Tyrese Gibson, and Al Madrigal. Judging by the trailer, the plot will see Gibson and Madrigal’s FBI characters hunting Leto’s vampiric hero down. It’s set to enters theaters July 31st.

Sources: comicbook , youtube

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