Dark Knight has been the most adored series which was well-initiated at the very start of Batman’s back in 2005. The series was released in accordance to blew its predecessor to exit the water. The trilogy has probably received an ample amount of complaints than both the predecessors when they were combined. Although it was considered to be a great box-office hit few of the Redditors thought the trilogy was the whole issue. 

As far as almost half the population has covered The Dark Knight Trilogy by now, amidst some great scenes, we could see a lot of cringe moments that are absolutely worth discussing over.

As we move forward with the same, out of all the moments that happened, a few are mentioned below!

Bruce Wayne’s Disguised Voice

Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne

Believe it or not, people are either hit or a great miss when it comes to voice over’s in a movie/series. It has been officially seen written on the papers that Batman’s voice was not liked by people. As there was a point wherein Bruce was in his Batsuit and he made the use of that gravel voice with the lucious fox which apparently was pulled out critically. This clearly showed that every element holds equal importance while you watch, whether it is to be seen, understand, or heard.

The Boat Scene

The Boat Scenario
The Boat Scenario

The prisoner boat scene within the series made an exclusive entry and did wonders showing how fear has the ability to consume individuals but barely had the audacity to win it. Although the movie setup had such a fun-comic genre wherein the trilogy was full of bizarre moments, people still pretended that a superhero genre was elevated and had variant elements within.

A Rescue Strategy

The Rescue Strategy
The Rescue Strategy

The strategy was exceptionally weak and was counted amongst the most traumatizing moments of the series which came in the second part with the demise of Rachel Dawes. Some people thought it was highly strange as Dawes was totally bomb-laced in a location while Henry was in another. Here, Batman took Dawes while PD took Dent. Have you given a thought about amidst all this scenario there were no cops to be seen, like really? Even though both the locations were closer to patrolling, there were no cops which was the stupidest yet highly cringe moment that happened.

The Fighting

The Fighting
The Fighting

Even though the movie has a superhero origin, Batman begins to suffer while having a lead character who was extremely rigid. Redditors have acknowledged that the fighting in batman can be considered as an emphasizing moment where there was exceptional beating. This was sure highly cringe but had a unique point where the suits have various restrictions for the filmmakers but they still continued and moved forward with just one theory that states: Single problem was the decision to put three razor-sharp blades on his wrist guards which is very true bespoken as Batman is seen wearing those in every fight and he is dedicatedly willing to work out with the same

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