Most Powerful Mutant Weapons In Marvel, Ranked
Weapons should never be overlooked in the Marvel universe. In a world of all-powerful superheroes and supervillains, these super-powered beings still need just as much protection as they did when they were normal human beings. In fact, when you look at their roster, there’s some incredibly dangerous weaponry hiding in the corners that could very well end up being the death of someone if these superheroes aren’t careful.
The Marvel characters come in many unique types. Some are more dangerous than others and they take different shapes. Some of them wield dangerous weapons while they defend others from similar threats. With that being said, these are the 5 most powerful mutant weapons in Marvel –
Muramasa Blade

The Muramasa Blade is a mystical weapon that can nullify Wolverine’s healing factor. Also known as the Black Blade, this katana was created during the time of feudal Japan by legendary and psychotic swordsmith Muramasa. He forged two additional ninja swords: one in Wolverine’s future and one in his past. If a person possesses great strength of spirit or will, they may overcome the blade’s power. If not, they will fall victim to its karmic curse and become known as Death.
The Crimson Gem Of Cyttorak

One of the most famous powers within Marvel comics is the Juggernaut’s unstoppable power. He was first introduced in X-Men #12 when he attacked the team during a training session. Cain Marko became a powerhouse after gaining all of his powers from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. The gem is one of the rarest gems in comic books, and it is sought after by those who want to enhance their own powers. And one who went insane because of it was Magento.
Wolverine’s Claws

Wolverine is a weapon in his own right, and the Weapon X program made sure of it. His claws are so legendary that fans might imagine them higher on this list, but since their main purpose isn’t really to combat, we’ve placed them at number 35. That being said, six (amazingly shiny) blades of pure adamantium that can cut through anything – including Colossus, who we all know has some big ones – is enough for any opponent to wave a white flag. If they still have their arm after that.

If there’s one thing most people learn in years of martial arts, it’s that a little bit of pain is inevitable. But if you’re facing the Soulsword, even the toughest people will not be able to withstand getting hit with this thing more than once. This sword was crafted from her own life force by Magik and allows her to rule over Limbo, disrupt magical spells and teleport large distances.
Black Vortex

The Black Vortex was created by a god-like entity who once ruled the universe. Kitty Pryde discovered this item while on a mission. She was suddenly thrust into the space and time of the entity that created it which she shared with other users in the past who had used it. Using the Black Vortex unleashed powers beyond any known cosmic level that could be imagined, as Kitty discovered instantly when she witnessed herself phased through literally everything – including time and space. This can be seen as an analogy for what users will experience if they use the item – near-instant evolution of power from cosmic levels to all-powerful.