Michael C. Hall’s stint as the lead in Dexter came to an end with the revival, which concluded things on a high note. Dexter Morgan’s time at Iron Lake, New York, put him against the Runaway Killer and ghosts from his past, ushering in surprises for viewers.

With the series being officially over, it’s worth reflecting on the occasions when New Blood used its plot to shock and awe. The performance delivered these moments in such a way that they shocked both those who were pleased with how the evening played out and those who weren’t.

5. The Return of Batista

Dexter New Season
Dexter New Season

Batista might return if Dexter decides to develop a spinoff in the future, but an appearance didn’t appear to be in the cards until he appeared in New Blood. The revival had established that members of the original cast would not be appearing, therefore Batista’s appearance was unexpected.

Even if some expected him to come, few expected him to interact with Angela rather than Dexter. Angela stumbled into Batista by chance during a police conference she was attending, eventually forming a link that led to him being apprehended after Batista recognized his photo.

4. Getting Rid of Kurt Caldwell’s Corpse

Dexter New Blood Episode 7 Kurt

In the first series, there was never an open display of Dexter’s ways of disposing of his victims, at least not to the extent of Kurt’s killing. Dexter was shown slicing into Kurt’s body, his limbs being severed while Harrison looked on in terror. It turned out to be the protagonist’s final time slaughtering someone, therefore the portrayal was deserved. Even the most ardent show fans, however, would have cringed at the sight of the main character slicing up a person’s body in such detail.

3. Dexter Gets Captured

Dexter New Season
Dexter New Season

He managed to pull off a good jump scare at the end of an episode when Kurt’s goon Eldric Kane kidnapped him. It happened at a time when he and Harrison were having family problems, and viewers would not have predicted an assault. Kane appeared towards the very end of the episode when Dexter was unaware that a stranger was immediately behind him and was apprehended. Kane was a minor figure previous to the attack, and some fans could have been surprised by who he was meant to be.

2. Location of Molly’s Corpse

Dexter New Season
Dexter New Season

When Molly began to narrow in on the murders for which Kurt was guilty, she caught Kurt’s attention. When Kurt brought Molly to his lair, it seemed certain that he would kill her, but Dexter intervened to spare Molly’s life, and she looked to be done with the narrative. However, in the penultimate episode, an image of Molly’s corpse encased amid many other victims of Kurt was revealed just before he apprehended the villain, with both him and Harrison reacting with the same astonishment that viewers did. Molly’s death would have been the last thing on fans’ thoughts at the moment.

1. Dexter Dies

New Blood Season
New Blood Season

It was speculated that Dexter might bite the dust at the end of New Blood, but the idea of killing off the main character still seemed hard to believe. That’s exactly what happened, as Dexter was not only killed, his life was brought to an end by his son. Having followed Dexter and Harrison’s relationship progress for the whole series, it was the ultimate shocker to see the latter reject his father and shoot him in the heart. No matter how people felt about it – many were angered by how he died – there’s little doubt that this moment had every viewer thunderstruck.

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