Retcons in the DC Comic world are as common as Superman undergoing fights. With that being said, DC’s realities and its continuities have been way different from that of their alternate competitions. In fact, the franchise has used its event books to alternate the respective realities quite a couple of times. They managed to do it by keeping their retcons and the comic world going together hand in hand. Precisely, retcons have been DC’s creative tool for years now. As a result, it has catalyzed multiple unexpected events to happen in the DC Comic world. These are some of them –

The Change In Powers Of The Green Lantern

Green Lantern in DC Comics
Green Lantern in DC Comics

While it was Alan Scott who first debuted as DC’s Green Lantern, he got opportunities to undergo multiple changes over the years. Just like many other members of the team JSA, the franchise managed to explain why Green Lantern remained spry and young. While it was Wildcat who got nine lives and Jay Garrick got the Speed Force, it was Alan Scott’s Green Lantern who managed to get the Starheart. With that being said, Starheart was the primary source of Green Lantern’s powers and to all his capabilities.

Batman Made Jason Todd Look Like Dick Grayson

Jason Todd in DC Comics
Jason Todd in DC Comics

It isn’t that necessary that unexpected retcons mean Earth-shattering changes. With that being said, one such major retcons showed up in Batman and Robin where Red Hood got revealed as a new sidekick to Scarlet. It happened because Batman helped Jason by dyeing his red hair black so that he could look similar to Dick Grayson. This event was something that the readers never expected after all.

The Change In Wonder Woman’s Percentage

Wonder Woman in DC Comics
Wonder Woman in DC Comics

The next on the list is how the New 52 changed Wonder Woman’s percentage. While the New 52 catalyzed a lot of significant changes in the DC’s characters, it was Wonder Woman who got most affected. With that being said, the New 52 created a reality where Wonder Woman became a daughter to Hippolyta and Zeus. This was indeed significant and something really unexpected.

The Come Back Of Superboy

Superboy in DC Comics
Superboy in DC Comics

Infinite Crisis was DC’s one of those events that didn’t care to bring a lot of changes in DC’s existing realities. However, it highlighted Clark Kent’s younger days as Superboy. With that being said, fans were not much exposed to this version of the Superboy because they remained used to seeing his life beyond the Silver Age after all. However, this event and the story behind changed a lot of things and showed up as something fans never expected from the franchise.

The Change In Wally’s Personality

DC’s Heroes in Crisis
DC’s Heroes in Crisis

While DC’s Heroes in Crisis got a lot of criticism from the comic readers, it still managed to hold the aura up significantly. However, the storyline completely ruined Wally West and all those characters who were planning to return to DC: Rebirth #1. With that being said, by portraying Wally as a prime murderer, the franchise took the character far beyond where he becomes a completely different personality. This made Wally absolved of all his wrongdoings and established him as someone more palatable for the DC fans.

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