The Spider-Man trilogy by Sam Raimi remains beloved due to some of the moments that have been discussed all these years. From Uncle Ben’s death to the rise of Doctor Oak, the Spider-Man trilogy had quite some memorable moments for Marvel fans to love all the spectacular characters. Apart from everything, Tobey Maguire’s portrayal of the Web-Slinging superhero is what led the movies towards global recognition. In some way or the other, Sam Raimi’s trilogy has been one of the most significant reasons behind the rise of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well.

Now that the trilogy is entering its 20th year and Tobey making an appearance as Spider-Man in Spider-Man: No Way Home, fans are quite intrigued to revisit the past memories and cherish them comprehensively. With that said, these were the most unexpected things to happen in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies –

Harry’s Character Transformation

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3
Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 was a full stop to Sam Raimi’s classic trilogy. Apart from all the villains competing for their respective screen time, fans were most intrigued to watch Harry Osborn coming back as Green Goblin so that he could take revenge for the demise of his father. However, instead of teaming up with the other villains, Harry showed an immediate character transformation. As a result, Harry and Spider-Man teamed up to fight Venom and the Sandman together. This exact moment was quite satisfying for the fans.

When Peter Decided To Quit Being A Superhero

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2
Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2

The second installment of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy was perhaps one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. It is not quite often to see a superhero quitting his primary role and deciding to lose all his powers to achieve something. For a while, it looked like Peter’s grief of losing Uncle Ben was becoming too disastrous for the world. But again, Peter Parker recalls the famous quote that “With great power comes great responsibility.” Thus, to figure out his own powers and capabilities, Peter decided to give up on being the Web-Slinging superhero.

Peter Parker Respects Norman’s Last Wish

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man
Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man

Green Goblin has been one of the most twisted villains that Peter ever faced in his life. However, when he was dying from the wounds he got, he requested Peter not to tell his son, Harry, about his villainous personality. With that being said, it was quite an unexpected moment to see Peter accepting Norman’s request genuinely and showering all the empathy he got as a person. That is exactly where Peter Parker showed his evolution as a superhero in his own world.

Mary Jane Choosing Peter Parker

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2
Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2

The love angle between Peter Parker and Mary Jane has been the heart of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy. With that being said, when MJ comes to know about Peter’s truth in Spider-Man 2, she realizes why he kept her away even after confessing his love in the first movie. As a result, MJ didn’t go to her wedding and stepped in at Peter’s place in her wedding costume to shower Parker with her total acceptance. What a moment it was!

The Rise Of Doc Oak

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2
Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2

The one thing that Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy excelled at was giving importance and depth to the villains of the first two installments. Neither Otto Octavius nor Norman Osborn was born baddie. They both went through the respective circumstances that led them down the paths. With that being said, the chemistry Alfred and Tobey shared on-screen was something really spectacular. Perhaps that is why the transformation of the wise scientist into a deadly villain felt shocking and unexpected after all.

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