Nobody belongs anywhere, nobody exists on purpose, and everybody is going to die. These golden words by the universe’s coolest grandpa aka Rick Sanchez, just got violated. Moreover, it was none other than Mr. Poopybutthole. Since his debut in the second season of the series, the character had not been given the required footage which the fans wished for. But now the tables have turned. The new season has introduced Mr. Poopybutthole and no wonder the fan theories have already started flowing.

The fan favorite was introduced to the audience in the episode titled Total Rickall. Total Rickall showed a fiendish alien force imprinting themselves in the minds of Rick and Morty’s family. Moreover, the episode was a parody on how extremely random characters are introduced in sitcoms. However, the saga ended with Mr. Poopybutthole being shot by Rick’s daughter Beth and being sent into physical rehab. Mr. Poopybutthole was believed to be wiped out of the script. But after being shown in a number if post-credit scenes. Since then, fans had already speculated the future.

Season four re-introduced Mr. Poopybutthole in the episode titled “One Crew over the Crewcoo’s Morty”. The hatted character helped the protagonists in a quest to defeat a robot heist that had become too good at heisting and had to be defeated. Sounds weird? Then you have turned to the wrong cartoon for validation. The creators have played an ace with the reintroduction of Mr. Poopybutthole. Moreover, they catered to the fan base and to the online plot theories. One of these theories mentions Mr.Poopybutthole as Morty but from an alternate universe.

At the very end of season three, fan theories started sighting the similarities between Mr. Poopybutthole and Morty. Similar schools and the flag of Galactic Federation started cementing this rumor. Right now we have to wait and watch until the Reddit pages fill up with a background guide on Mr. Poopybutthole.
The Adventures of Rick and Morty have given a lot of ground to Adult Swim. The series which is full of abstract, gruesome and random sequences has catered to the audience. Fans have also embraced the new season with open arms. This surely gives a new dimension to the online world.
Watch the Season Four trailer here:
Source: ComicBook