One Piece is an upcoming television series meant to be streamed on Netflix. The series is a live action adaptation of the Japanese manga series, with the same name, by Eiichiro Oda. The live action series will be originating in the United States in the English Language.

One Piece: Manga and Animated Television Show

one piece
One Piece animated television show

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The series revolves around the main character Monkey D. Luffy and his mates, namely, the Straw Hat Pirates, who travel the ocean to find a fabled treasure, called indeed as the One Piece. This treasure is meant to let Luffy become the King of The Pirates. One Piece has been one of the highest sold Mangas with almost half a billion copies sold worldwide. The Japanese Animation Television series premiered in October 1999 and has aired over 1000 episodes around the globe. It is one of the most popular anime shows currently.

First Look of One Piece Live Action Sets

One Piece: Set Sneak Peek | First Look | Netflix Geeked Week

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Netflix has taken down to release a glimpse of the series where Monkey D. Luffy played by Inaki Godoy, along with Matt Owens and Steve Owens introduce a first look at concept art and some of the huge sets for the series. The newly released video also showed the Going Merry- the Straw Hat Pirates’ beloved first sailing vessel, and Iron Mace Alvida’s flagship- the Miss Love Duck. It also gives us a glance at the set of the Baratie, the floating restaurant, significant during the fourth arc of the manga.

one piece
One Piece animated Television Show

Steven Maeda, one of the executive producers of the series, has affirmed that the principal photography had begun on January 31, 2022. On May 8th, 2022, Marc Jobst who is directing episodes 1 and 2 of the show announced that they have wrapped filming on May 7. The producer says that the show is scheduled to wrap on July 10th, 2022.

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