Netflix released the official trailer of the long-awaited series, The Sandman starring Tom Sturridge as Dream playing the titular Sandman. The series is based on the DC Comics series of the same name published from 1989 to 1996. As Sandman AKA Morpheus is freed after being captive for 105 years, and now restoring order to his kingdom of the Dreaming, many fines have divided opinions. 

The Sandman | Date Announcement | Netflix

Sandman Trailer and more details

Sandman’s trailer is less than two minutes long and gave a good glimpse at how the show will recreate the mystical realms. In the trailer, a few people aren’t happy about Sandman’s return, including the occult detective Johanna Constantine played by Jenna Coleman, and The Corinthian Boyd Holbrook.

Neil Gaiman’s adaption into Netflix original

The Sandman
Tom Sturridge in The Sandman

However, fans seemed to love how Neil Gaiman’s graphical novel is now adapted on Netflix.  The trailer shows how much of a mess the Dreaming becomes in Dream’s absence. Many are still wondering about any surprising cameos from unexpected DC Comics characters the way the source material does.


While some fans were criticizing the Sandman trailer, some were in support.

David Thewlis in the Trailer

The Sanman trailer gave a glimpse of John Dee played by David Thewlis and that few seconds look promising enough to grab the audience’s attention. He is seen standing next to a sign that says, “Welcome, please wait to be seated.”


Some of the star casts of the Sandman include Kirby Howell-Baptiste, Asim Chaudhry, Gwendoline Christie, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Charles Dance,  Mason Alexander Park, and Donna Preston. 

The Sandman, starring Tom Sturridge as Morpheus, the Master of Dreams, debuts on August 5, 2022, on Netflix.


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