Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop Star John Cho Confirms Anime Locale
We saw the first trailer for the live-action series adaptation of the greatest anime series of all time landing earlier this week, with the world of Cowboy Bebop getting a new look, thanks to Netflix, and in a lead-up event to the trailer’s release, the star of the series, John Cho, revealed that a locale from the series will be making an appearance. With the Bebop bounty hunters traveling a number of planets and galaxies to keep food and fuel running, one location certainly left an impression.
John Cho Confirms Anime Locale

Alba City, one of the major cities on Mars, was featured in the Cowboy Bebop animated movie, Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, following Spike and the Bebop bounty hunters taking on a terrorist around the Halloween season in Vincent Volaju. Ironically enough, Alba City also made it clear that the anime series Carole And Tuesday took place in the same universe as Cowboy Bebop, with director Shinichiro Watanabe working on both of them. While we don’t expect the characters from Carole And Tuesday to make their way into the live-action adaptation starring John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, and Daniella Pineda, we’ve definitely seen crazier things happen in the past when it comes to anime.
Netflix shared the Live Stream Event to hype Cowboy Bebop’s latest trailer, with the arrival of John Cho to the chat seeing the star wearing an Alba City t-shirt and holding an Alba City mug, confirming that the live-action adaptation is set to visit the recognizable city from the original anime series and its movie:
The main antagonist of Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door hasn’t been confirmed for the upcoming live-action adaptation set to arrive next month, but with the likes of Pierre Le Fou and the Teddy Bomber set to play a significant role in the series, there is certainly precedent for Vincent to be a part of the series.