The Witcher is an upcoming Netflix original series created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich. It is an American-Polish fantasy drama. Based on the book series of the same name written by Andrzej Sapkowski, it is releasing on December 20, 2019. The story comprises of a mutated monster hunter named Geralt, a witcher who gets exposed to the darkest secrets of the modern world. But recently, it has been revealed that it is a dark fantasy series that will emphasize the dark side of the plot rather than fantasy.

Julian Parry’s Insight

Julian Parry’s Insight
Visual Effects Supervisior Julian Parry Reveals the details on Witcher.

The Visual effects supervisor of the upcoming series, Julian Parry, gives us an insight into the fan-favorite multimedia franchise. He reveals how the show will focus more on horror than fantasy, which is the original genre of the show. The teasers of the show have already shown us the monsters which are generated through effects.
Julian Parry reveals to SFX magazine, saying, “I think it leans more towards horror. We’re taking the fantasy out. I can honestly say we’re not fantastical. I mean, it’s fantastical but in a grounded horror sense. For example, with Striga [a woman cursed into a monstrous transformation], that’s one gnarly-looking thing. That’s very unpleasant!”

The Witcher – Releases December 20, 2019

Image result for the witcher

Since now we all know what to expect from the upcoming series, we can all take a breather. However, Parry, the reason why there is a tonal shift is partially due to budget. Production costs limit the ambitious scope of the novels and video games. But the series in no way is compromising the unlimited action. Fans should gear up for the franchise as it’ll be a roller coaster ride for the lot of us.

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The Witcher stars Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia, Anya Chalotra as Yennefer of Vengerberg, Freya Allan as Ciri, and Joey Batey as Jaskier. The series will be available to stream on Netflix starting December 20, 2019.

Check out the trailer for The Witcher below:


Source: CBR

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