Lobo is coming to Krypton when Season 2 of the Superman prequel series. And now fans are getting another look at the fan-beloved Czarnian.

Emmett J. Scanlan will be depicting the character on Krypton,. Scanlan shared another photo of Lobo in costume on his Instagram account, alongside a flippantly lie-filled caption about his experiences as the character. You can look at it underneath.


“Jason Momoa calls for LOBO to be in @aquamanmovie 2 & for the 1st time ever, the actor playing the TV version will also play the movie one,” Scanlan wrote. “In other news, I’m lying. I’ll be doing my own movie instead. Lying. Fact is I’m not available, too freaking busy. Literally can’t stop lying.”


This new picture of Lobo isn’t very different from the principal look Scanlan shared fans back in October, however, this one has all the earmarks of being without filters and is a greater amount of an action shot than the past. Scanlan also seems to have fun as Lobo in the character, something that is nothing unexpected as the actor recently portrayed playing the character is a “fragging honour”.


Lobo was reported for Krypton’s second season amid San Diego Comic-Con a year ago. In Comics, Lobo is from the quiet planet of Czarnia, yet he is not the same as those in his world. The horrendous, violent Lobo butchered his whole world, making him the remainder of his race and a fearsome merc meandering the universe committing homicide and disorder. The official depiction of the character uncovered in October lines up intimately with the character’s comic book roots.

“A ruthless bounty hunter who murdered his entire species, he possesses a genius level intellect when it comes to matter of warfare, making him a deadly adversary. Imbued with superhuman strength, and virtually immortal, Lobo will keep coming until the job is finished. HIs word is the only thing Lobo holds sacred; and although he’ll never violate the letter of an agreement, he might disregard its spirit from time to time!”


Very little is known how Lobo will fit into the series which last observed things going inadequately for Seg (Cameron Cuffe), Superman’s granddad. He was sent into the Phantom Zone, setting up a future in which it’s Zod, not Superman, who is the prominent Kryptonian.

“We’re really excited to work with Lobo because in the comics he’s such a broad character, he’s an almost ridiculous character and like some people would say how’s he going to work with the tone of the show,” Cuffe said. “That’s a challenge we’re really excited to work with and I think Seg’s going to be spending a lot of tie with him which will be cool.”

Source: Comicbook.com, Instagram

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