As the moon rises (once again) over the MCU, excitement’s brewing for the return of fan-favorite Moon Knight. A new report has set the fandom abuzz with explicit details, suggesting that Oscar Isaac’s enigmatic hero will battle even bigger villains in Season 2.  

Moon Knight
Oscar Isaac plays Marc Spector and Steven Grant on Moon Knight | Marvel Studios

With Isaac leading the charge, and the promise of new, larger-than-life villains, fans are eagerly awaiting the moonlit battles set to redefine the boundaries of Marvel’s supernatural storytelling!

Moon Knight Season 2: Bigger Bads and Bold Connections on the Horizon!

Moon Knight Season finale is available to stream on Disney+
Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector aka. Moon Knight | Marvel Studios

Are you guys ready to enter the mind-bending Moon Knight universe once more? Per recent reports, Oscar Isaac‘s multifaceted character will face even bigger villains in Season 2. Although it is anticipated that the evil Bushman will play a prominent role in the first half of the series, rumors suggest that the season will really pick up after the big players’ arrival. 

The intriguing part begins here: The Moon Knight character may be in the crosshairs of Marvel’s multiversal threat, Kang the Conqueror. But wait, there’s more! The terrifying dimension’s evil ruler, Mephisto, might potentially enter the conflict. That’d be a troublesome scenario for Moon Knight, given this possible alliance of cosmic heavyweights, which also sets up an incredible confrontation.

AND, it’s not over yet! One particular Kang variation that’s been suggested for consideration is Rama-Tut. He’s an Egyptian pharaoh who’s extremely fond of time travel. This antagonist is a perfect fit for Moon Knight’s Egyptian mythology-based environment. In addition to introducing intriguing new plots, Rama-Tut might serve as a link between Moon Knight and the larger MCU (who knows?) 

Recall the Season 1 “Rama-Tut” Easter egg. It seems like it may be quite beneficial. Moon Knight was able to explicitly set the stage for the next movie, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, which centers on Kang’s mayhem throughout multiple universes, by defeating Rama-Tut. Moon Knight Season 2 might be a crucial chapter in the MCU’s ongoing story, with the Council of Kangs looming large in the background.

Fans of Moon Knights, mark your calendars! D23 will undoubtedly provide more information in August regarding this much-awaited season! 

Poe Dameron Dodges a Blaster Blast: Oscar Isaac Saves His Star Wars Fate

Moon Knight on Disney+
Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight in the MCU miniseries | Marvel Studios

Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Isaac) nearly met his fiery demise much sooner in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, per documentary clip. It’s official, according to director J.J. Abrams: “The script Oscar saw had Poe dying early on.” It seems that Isaac was not too happy about doing it again. Abrams continues, “One of his problems was that he’d previously died in four movies! He had had enough.”

Thank goodness The Force stepped in. “A week later, J.J. wrote, saying they figured it out – Poe lives!” adds Isaac. Heave hooray! The idea of Poe coming back saved the day (and our fantasies of Finn and Poe). Let’s toast to Oscar Isaac, the hero who battles not just for the Resistance but also for his own life in a galaxy where it seems that stargazing is a hobby.

Watch the series Moon Knight on Disney Plus!

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