MCU character Nicholas Joseph Fury, popularly known as Nick Fury, was written by Stan Lee and created by artist Jack Kirby. He first appeared in the comic series Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos in 1968. The character’s first MCU appearance was in the post-credits scene of Iron Man, released in 2008.

Since 2008, Nick Fury has appeared in a total of eleven MCU movies. He has also starred in two episodes of the series The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and played the role of the protagonist in the miniseries Secret Invasion, which led to Fury’s appearance in the film The Marvels. 

Nick Fury Has a Key Role In the MCU

Nick Fury
Nick Fury

Before the Marvel Studios came into existence, the character of Nick Fury was played by David Hasselhoff in the 1998 movie, Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. The movie was supposed to give way to a series but that didn’t happen. Although in 2002 Marvel Comics had recreated the character with Samuel L. Jackson in mind, the role was initially offered to Geroge Clooney who turned it down.

Read More: “Wasn’t going to do any of that”: Samuel L. Jackson Refused Original David Hasselhoff Nick Fury, Wanted To Do it His Way

In the movie Captain Marvel (2019), set in 1995, Fury met the first superhero to ever come into existence. It was Brie Larson’s character, Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel that inspired Fury’s Avenger Initiative which led him to work on making a team of the world’s superheroes in the later-set MCU movies. It was also in this movie that Fury lost his left eye.

Nick Fury is Hard to Get Rid Of

Captain America: The Winter Soldier poster
Captain America: The Winter Soldier poster

Nick Fury is an MCU character that keeps coming back. The first-time fans thought they have seen the last of him was in 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, only to find out that he faked his death until the world was already saved by Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon.

Read More: “No thanks, I’d rather be Nick Fury’: Marvel Star Samuel L. Jackson Chose MCU Over Winning an Oscar

Fury disintegrated due to The Blip caused by Thanos in the 2018 movie, Avengers: Infinity War. Even that didn’t let him stay dead for too long as he was brought back to life in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, thanks to the joint efforts of the Avengers, some of whom had to sacrifice their lives.

Nick Fury Has a Secret Not Known to Many

Nick Fury in Secret Invasion
Nick Fury in Secret Invasion

Earlier, Samuel L. Jackson admitted that Fury has a questionable code of ethics. This time around Fury has done something rather gross as revealed in the latest episode of the series Secret Invasion. He shared the details of Operation Harvest in which he went to Skrulls to “collect the DNA” of almost every Avenger after the Battle of Earth in Avengers: Endgame.

“Nearly every Avenger spilled blood in the Battle of Earth—even Carol Danvers. In the aftermath, some were sent in to collect that DNA. Some with the ability to blend in. Nobody knew about them but me and the collectors, led by [Gravik].”

Read More: MCU Blunders That Ruined Samuel L Jackson’s ‘Secret Invasion’ Despite an Exciting Storyline

This vial of DNA can help Fury to create a superhero like no other considering it is a combination of the DNAs of Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, Captain Marvel, and many others. However, the fate of this vial is not yet revealed.

Source: The Direct

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