Because of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, there is an issue with depicting Batman inside the DCEU:

A Still Of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy
A Still Of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy

As fantastic as Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is, it creates a challenge when it comes to depicting Batman inside the DCEU. Batman is one of the comic book world’s oldest and most renowned superheroes, inspiring a slew of live-action and animated adaptations of the Caped Crusader’s exploits throughout the years. Depending on when a person first became a fan of Batman, their favorite Batman actor may be Adam West, Michael Keaton, or even Ben Affleck. Still, Christian Bale is a popular option, thanks to his performance in Christopher Nolan’s award-winning Batman series. Depending on who you ask, Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is often regarded as the best sequence of superhero films ever made, with The Dark Knight standing alone as the greatest superhero film of all time, thanks in large part to the late Heath Ledger’s legendary portrayal as the Joker. Given that, it goes without saying that many consider the Dark Knight trilogy to be cinema’s finest Batman films, with the performances in them being singled out for acclaim.

David S. Goyer, co-writer of Batman Begins, has expressed that the Dark Knight trio came extraordinarily close to being declared DCEU canon:

A Still Of David S. Goyer co-writer of Batman Begins
A Still Of the co-writer of Batman Begins David S. Goyer

Batman Begins co-writer David S. Goyer, claim that the Dark Knight trilogy was on the verge of becoming DCEU canon, most accounts claim that Nolan had no desire for this to happen, preferring to continue his work while excluding various DC properties. However, together with the Dark Knight trio within the DCEU, they might be the most effective in the long-term as a result of their existence as a revered piece of attender recreation, which creates a sort of situation for the DCEU’s representations of the character. If an attendee becomes black within the DCEU, there’ll be immediate negative parallels to Nolan’s work. On the other hand, if the DCEU attender becomes too lightweight, fans of Nolan’s harsh, realistic perspective are turned off. With a nickname like “The Dark Knight,” it should appear natural for an attendee to be given an exceedingly darker lightweight, but that hasn’t continually been the case. The Adam West TV show and Joel Schumacher buddy films of the 1990’s were beyond any doubt choked with camp silliness—albeit with uneven outcomes. What Nolan’s trio achieved, however, was to mix the dark dourness current in previous attender renditions with an additional realistic, virtually criminal thriller-esque approach. Many fans were enamored with Nolan and Christian Bale’s interpretation of the attender, and it’s likely that their work will continue to dominate for the next few decades regardless of what recent direction DC takes.

The Batman, directed by Matt Reeves, is already succumbing to the Nolan resemblance jinx:

A pic of director Matt Reeves
A pic of director Matt Reeves and his upcoming film, The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson

While not legally part of the DCEU, director Matt Reeves’ The Batman is already succumbing to the Nolan comparison curse, as the Robert Pattinson-starring film appears to be darker than Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. Still, many veteran DC fans perceive The Batman as an effort to capitalize on the kind of film Nolan produced, but without Nolan and with a weaker actor behind the cape and cowl. On the other hand, when Ben Affleck’s Batman in Justice League-both the Whedon and Snyder versions-became lighter, many Bat-fans were put off by this sardonic, smirking take on the character, believing Bruce Wayne should be considerably more serious. Many fans would still want to return to the Gotham City that Nolan and Bale created, and because that is improbable, the Dark Knight trilogy will continue to cast a shadow over the DCEU.

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