Obi Wan Kenobi : 5 Characters We Wish To See In The Series
According to news, Ewan McGregor will reprise his iconic role as Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in a new Disney+ series. Though facts are few, numerous major media sites have already verified that this is taking place. All fans are waiting for now is the big revelation to make this fantasy a reality.
It is unknown when the series will take place or what Obi-Wan will be doing. But, with Ewan resuming his robes, who knows what additional personalities and performers could appear? Here are five characters we’d want to see a return in the new Obi-Wan Kenobi series.
1. Hondo Ohnaka

Hondo Ohnaka has had quite the trip, first starring in The Clone Wars and now earning a name for himself in Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge theme park as Robert Nairne. Hondo, once a formidable pirate and now a clumsy misfit, can play either side of the coin. He and Obi-Wan had some amazing moments throughout The Clone Wars, so a brief reunion would be ideal.
It also allows Lucasfilm to bring Hondo to life in live-action, which is now happening at Galaxy’s Edge. Similar to Darth Maul, they might have Nairne perform the physical part and Jim Cummings voice him.
2. A’Yark

Doesn’t this name sound familiar? That is not surprising. A’Yark initially appeared in the now-legendary novel Kenboi as the chief of the local Tusken Raiders. This Sand People one-eyed woman was one of the first Tusken Raiders to be handled in a way that went beyond the usual savage perspective. She had objectives, a history, and, most importantly, she was a real badass.
It would introduce a completely new sort of character to the Star Wars cinematic universe. Tusken Raiders have never been anything more than fodder for Jedi to slaughter. It would be incredible to bring in a nemesis for Obi-Wan who is also sympathetic in her own way. Furthermore, as much material as can be extracted from Kenobi is a plus.
3. Qui Gon

Given that Liam Neeson isn’t the most popular actor right now, this one may get a bit tough. However, even after both of their deaths, Qui-Gon remains an important figure in Obi-life. Wan’s Qui-Gon, the teacher who taught him everything and taught him the secrets of immortality, will play an important role in the series.
It is up to the authors whether he should emerge as a full-bodied apparition or merely as a voice, but the character must have a presence. If they simply settled on the voice, it wouldn’t be the first time Yoda had heard it, since he had heard it on both Coruscant and Dagobah in The Clone Wars season six finale.
4. Luke

Luke would be an intriguing character to see in the Kenobi series. On the one hand, he is the reason Ben is hiding in the first place. Luke, on the other hand, can’t go too near to the Jedi Master. As shown in A New Hope, Luke regards Obi-Wan as little more than his eccentric hermit neighbor. Anything beyond that would be a violation of the saga’s main film.
However, if the series is to center on Obi-exile Wan’s on the planet, Luke must be engaged in some way. Luke would be wonderful as long as the series uses him rarely. Could I recommend Jacob Tremblay for the position?
5. Aunt Beru & Uncle Owen

Many fans believe that the only apparent time range for an Obi-Wan series is between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Apart from his youth, this is the only era that hasn’t been thoroughly investigated. As a result, the majority of these characters were picked to fit within that era.
The first characters appear to be a no-brainer. Owen and Beru Lars, Luke Skywalker’s uncle and aunt, are among the few who know who Obi-Wan is and why he stayed on Tatooine. The conflict between the two and Obi-Wan over training Luke would be intriguing to witness. It would also be intriguing to watch Joel Edgerton repeat his part with a different creative team.