Ming-Na Wen of Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. found herself within the New York Times crossword in the week. The paper’s clue for her character was her name, as she’s known on the show. Her followers gave the impression to think the whole thing was pretty cool. A bunch of the actress’s friends and family discovered the clue for themselves and made sure to let her know about it.

What the Tweet Was about?

What the Tweet Was about?
Ming-Na Wen was Answer to NY Times Riddle!

The show has come up in recent weeks as people comply with self-quarantine. S.H.I.E.L.D. stars stepped up to suggest an early release while everyone seems to be at home, chilling out. Chris Panico penned on Twitter, “I’m just saying @abc since we’re all in quarantine, perhaps you’ll drop us the final season of Agents of Shield a jiffy early. Can’t hurt to ask!” was retweeted. There is a portion of unpredictability encircling the last season as of now.

Agents of SHEILD postpones it’s release!

Agents of SHEILD postpones it's release!
Hope they Presume their Production Soon.

Disney+ hasn’t had obstacles intrinsically, though reports hinted that Bob Iger left his designation as chief executive to superintend the artistic direction of the new platform. With an extensive — and astonishingly dedicated, might I add, fanbase the same as one that arises with Agents of SHIELD, the addition to the O.T.T. service would do miracles for Disney. Matters raises even more questions on the legalities around it. Surely since A.B.C., fronted with cash for the season, it’d want to keep the show’s rights in faiths for packing a summer slot.

What Disney+ has to Offer it’s Audience?

What Disney+ has to Offer it's Audience?
Let the fun Begin!

Other forthcoming Marvel Studios projects include Black Widow, The Eternals on November 6, the Legend of the Ten Rings, and also Shang-Chi, 2021, Loki, and WandaVision in spring 2021, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on 7th of May, 2021, Hawkeye in fall and What If? In summer 2021. Proceeding with Thor: Love and Thunder on November 5, 2021, and Black Panther 2 on May 6, 2022. Marvel Studios Disney+ series without release dates include Moon Knight, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel.

Sources : comicbook , nytimes

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