Warning: Spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1118

Fans of One Piece were treated to some extremely fascinating revelations in chapter 1118. Needless to say, the most intriguing section of the chapter was undoubtedly the very end, when Luffy and Bonney were finally the center of attention.

In the last stages of Egghead, the Five Elders will have their hands full as they must eliminate the last of the Vegapunks while also keeping the Straw Hat Pirates from fleeing. However, the Pirates are not simply just going to sit by and let it all unfold.

Jewelry Bonney
Jewelry Bonney (Credits: Toei Animation)

That is the exact reason Luffy has resumed using Gear 5, but he hasn’t stopped there. Bonney has also been able to access the power of Gear 5, and together these two individuals will make the most of Nika’s abilities.

Jewelry Bonney Has Used Nika’s Power Before

Jewelry Bonney could use Nika's powers before
Jewelry Bonney could use Nika’s powers before (Credits: Viz Media)

Bonney is recognized as the possessor of the Toshi Toshi no Mi, a Paramecia kind of Devil Fruit, the full potential of which was just recently discovered. In the past, fans thought Bonney could change people’s ages with her Devil Fruit. This was a risky ability to begin with. But what happened on Egghead Island has elevated this skill to a new level.

It’s possible to argue that this power is among the most powerful in the entire series, which is a strong statement. Bonney’s capacity to distort the future greatly contributes to her extraordinary talents. Bonney’s strongest power is without a doubt Distorted Future. In short, it gives Bonney the ability to imagine and bring to life any future she chooses.

Fans have previously witnessed Bonney use the Gomu Gomu no Mi’s power. She had no idea that this Devil Fruit even existed at that point. But Bonney knew from Kuma’s stories that Nika had a stretchy physique and battled with amazing freedom.

Bonney did her best to imagine that, and with that, she was able to conjure up an attack akin to Gear Third, with which she easily took out Alpha, one of Cipher Pol’s agents. In more recent combat against V. Nusjuro, Bonney effectively transformed into a gigantic person by taking the future of a Giant. It is obvious that Bonney can easily achieve any future she believes she can have.

Jewelry Bonney’s Skills Are Yet To Reach Its Full Potential

Gear 5 Luffy
Gear 5 Luffy (Credits: Toei Animation)

A Reddit post stated that Bonney could potentially turn all the Straw Hat Pirate members into Nika using her powers, which would render them weak but still give them the appearance of Nika. However, other fans countered with the argument that Bonney has only been able to affect the age of the people, but she has never used Distorted Future on anyone else.

All straw hat into nika?
byu/Parth_Thanos inOnePiece

Yet, if she is able to tap into her real potential and change all the Straw Hats into Nika, they would have a greater chance of winning against the Gorosei. Since viewers now know that Bonney has access to the full power of the Nika Devil Fruit, this is extremely significant for the plot.

Bonney is going to be a formidable opponent for anybody who gets in her way because of her white hair, clothes, highly developed rubbery physique, and ability to perform almost anything. As the Elders are currently closing in on the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy, Bonney, and Sanji must stand up to these incredibly strong people to save the day.

To witness what she can really accomplish with this ability and how far she can push this change would be nothing short of amazing. It is possible for her to learn how to control this transformation and implement a suitable change on the battlefield with Luffy by her side. The Drums of Liberation will now be doubled at the same time because there are two Nika present.

It’s conceivable that Bonney’s transformation into Nika will rekindle the Iron Giant’s fervor and inspire him to take on the Elders. We’re just getting started, and it will be amazing to watch all these strong men band together to fight the Elders and drive them back so they can make a successful getaway.

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