The climactic fight in Avengers: Endgame saw several characters carrying or holding the Infinity Gauntlet. Characters like Black Panther, Spider-Man and Captain Marvel tried to get the gauntlet away from Thanos. But the only people who wielded it were Thanos, Hulk and Iron Man. Now new information has surfaced which states that the gauntlet was going to be used by Nebula as well.

Nebula Wields The Infinity Gauntlet

Nebula also wields the infinity gauntlet in the comics. Pic courtesy:
Nebula also wields the infinity gauntlet in the comics. Pic courtesy:

In an alternate draft for Avengers: Endgame, it was Nebula who was going to wield the Infinity Gauntlet. This was adapted straight from the Infinity Gauntlet comics where she wears the Infinity Gauntlet. The concept art for the scene has Nebula standing before Rocket Raccoon and experiencing the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. A little piece on the page of Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame – The Art of the Movie reads:

“While the Nebula from the past was killed by her future self in Avengers: Endgame, her demise was scripted a lot differently in another version. In that draft, she was able to intercept the Stark gauntlet during the massive game of keepaway in the film’s final battle. Wanting to prove to her father Thanos that she is a capable and strong warrior, Nebula tries to use the glove herself– a nod to the 1991 comic book series Infinity Gauntlet, written by Jim Starlin. This Nebula learns she is not powerful enough to use the Stones and survive.”

Tony Stark Wielding The Gauntlet Was The Right Choice

Tony Stark wielding the gauntlet was the right choice. Pic courtesy:
Tony Stark wielding the gauntlet was the right choice. Pic courtesy:

In the real ending, it was Tony who learnt that he wasn’t powerful enough to wield the stones and survive. This isn’t the only piece of Endgame for which different drafts were written. There were concepts which were even filmed and then discarded. There were concepts for King Thanos, Tony and Peter’s reunion scene, a deleted Black Panther fight scene, a deleted scene with Tony Stark and his grown-up daughter and more.

While Nebula wielding the gauntlet would have been a great comicbook nod but it really wouldn’t have worked in the context of the MCU. Tony giving up his life to save everyone even while knowing that he wouldn’t survive was a fitting ending for his character arc. As for Nebula, we want to see where her journey leads to next.

Check out the video below to see how nebula wielded the infinity gauntlet in the comics:

(Source: and

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