Spoiler Alert!

The Star Wars universe has expanded with the new series The Acolyte. Taking place during the High Republic Era, the show introduces the audience to a lot of new Jedi faces. One of them is Master Sol played by Lee Jung-jae, who has quickly become a fan favorite.

The Acolyte
The Acolyte | via Star Wars YouTube

The Jedi have always been known to have strict rules of conduct. They are meant to be calm, logical, and focused individuals who do not let their emotions drive their actions. But it has been a different case with Sol.

Sol’s Emotional Actions Defy Jedi Conduct

Lee Jung-jae in The Acolyte
Lee Jung-jae in The Acolyte | Credit: Lucasfilm/Disney

While viewers enjoy watching Sol’s character, there is something about him that troubles most loyal Star Wars critics. It seems like the show might be taking some liberties with how a Jedi Master is supposed to act.

It should be understood that Sol is the Jedi Master. He’s supposed to be this wise, detached, and powerful. But the show keeps showing him getting all worked up and emotional. For instance, Sol’s got this really strong attachment to his former Padawan, Osha. He’s always worrying about her and putting her safety first, even if it means messing up his mission. That is a prohibited thing by Jedi rules. They are supposed to put the greater good above personal feelings.

And then there is how Sol conducts himself after things don’t go according to plan. When Jecki gets into trouble, Sol loses it. He gets angry, and sad, and starts lashing out. That’s not very Jedi-like behavior, especially for a master. Die-hard fans and netizens noticed this tendency and expressed their opinions about Sol being out of character.

Sol actor Lee Jung-jae even talked about this in an interview with ComicBook. He said he wanted to show Sol as more human, with real fears and surprises. 

Even though externally Master Sol is extremely powerful in the Force, I think the Jedi still have this intrinsic fear, right? Whether it’s the first time meeting a villain or, at the very beginning of a battle, feeling the power of your opponent for the first time.

On the other hand, there is Yord. He’s another Jedi in the show, and he’s like the opposite of Sol. He embodies the principles of the Jedi Order more accurately. Yord is calm, even when things are not going well and doesn’t let his feelings cloud his judgment. In a way, Yord is more of what we expect from a Jedi than Sol is.

Does Sol Have a Sith Connection?

The Acolyte
The Acolyte | via Star Wars YouTube

This is actually where things get more interesting. The show is dropping hints that Sol might have some kind of connection to Qimir. Most of it is mysterious at the moment, although there are indications that can make viewers think about the connection.

First, there is tension when Qimir and Sol fight, and Qimir pretends to know Sol. He calls him “Master Sol” and asks if Sol remembers him. Sol also agrees that something seems familiar, though he cannot quite put it into place. It is as if there is some history between the two yet to be unfolded in the future.

There is also speculation going on with their names online. “Sol” means “sun” in some languages, and “Qimir” might come from an Arabic word that means “moon.” That is why they are like two sides of a coin. Some fans think this might mean they’re related, or at least have some deep connection.

Even Yord seems to know Qimir when the latter is unmasked. Yord seemed quite surprised, and all he could say was “You?” This raises some eyebrows, questioning if there is more to it than what is being shown.

All this mystery around Sol is quite exciting, but it also makes viewers question what’s really going on with his character. Is he really the noble Jedi Master he seems to be, or is there something darker in his past?

The Acolyte is now streaming on Disney+.

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