Today’s generation is becoming more and more accustomed to playing video games. People of all ages can now play video games on the move thanks to the popularity of smartphones and tablets. Technology developments have made it possible for game designers to produce more immersive and realistic video games than ever before. Because of this, these games are becoming more appealing to players who want a more immersive and realistic gaming experience.

Video Games
Video Games

But these video games also carry the risk of addiction. Some people, particularly youngsters, will go to unexpected lengths on occasion to buy or play a video game. A young boy of 16 years who plays video games experienced just that. The youngster went to extreme lengths to play games, and as a result, he spent $45,000 on a game—his parents’ entire life savings.

What exactly happened in the gaming cafe?

Addiction to video games can cause people to act bizarrely. Because he misused their life savings, a total of $45000, on a game, a 16-year-old young boy was beaten by his parents in a gaming cafe, and the video of the incident went viral.

In their rage, the parents chose to beat him in order to teach him a lesson. But when the incident’s footage went viral, people were enraged. While some individuals think the parents’ actions were acceptable, others think they went too far. The young boy may have an issue with video game addiction, which is thought to be what motivated him to blow the family’s savings.

Read More: Hit TV Shows Based On Video Games

Playing too much video games can lead to addiction
Playing too much video games can lead to addiction

Even when it comes to things like playing video games, parental guidance is crucial. You should always keep an eye on how absorbed a child is in a video game. It is very important not to take addiction lightly. If played without boundaries, even seemingly harmless video games can lead to serious addiction.

Here are some bizarre things people have done while playing video games

In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile instances when people have committed violent crimes in the name of video games.

In 2019, Jacksonville, Florida hosted a Madden NFL 19 video game competition when David Katz, a 24-year-old from Baltimore, Maryland, started shooting because he lost a game. Before committing s**cide, he injured a number of individuals and k*lled two people.

Read More: Video Games With Hidden Movie References, Ranked

Madden NFL19
Madden NFL19

After losing a computer game, Pavel Mateev, a 15-year-old Russian kid, k*lled himself with a chainsaw in 2017.

A 32-year-old guy called Hsieh passed away from a cardiac arrest in 2015 after playing video games nonstop for days.

These occurrences have sparked debate over the possible risks of video games and if they can incite violence.

Read More: Best Video Games That Address Social Issues

Source: Twitter

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