Gerard Pique and Shakira have been in the news ever since the announcement of their breakup last month. The couple had been together for more than 12 years when they decided to go their separate ways. There have been numerous rumors and speculations about the duo’s breakup. The most popular one is that Pique cheated on Shakira. No one knows if the rumor is true, but one thing that is true is that the footballer will get to spend much time with his children, Milan and Sasha since Shakira is moving to Miami. Due to this, Pique is now ready to cross oceans to be with his children.

Gerard Pique might move to Florida and join MLS

Shakira and Gerard Pique
Shakira and Gerard Pique

According to reports by Chisme No Like, the football star is reportedly moving to South Florida in order to be near his kids. The star is in talks to leave FC Barcelona and might join Inter Miami soon. The show’s host, Javier Ceriani, stated,

“At the moment, Pique is in talks to join Inter Miami with Messi because Barcelona has a lot of debt.”

The host also mentioned that money is one other factor that is driving Pique to leave FC Barcelona and join Major League Soccer (MLS). The host stated,

“Barcelona has to get Pique off their books because they are millions (of euros) in debt, they are going to go bankrupt.”

Gerard Pique wants to be near his children

Gerard Pique
Gerard Pique

However, the host stated that the main reason was to be near his children.

“So, Pique is already in talks to go to this team in Miami and end up altogether with his children.”

Also Read: Shakira Allegedly Blames Pique for Paparazzi Hounding Her, Stalkers Invading and Vandalizing Her Home Due to Unnecessary Media Attention

Shakira’s decision to move to Florida arose out of Gerard Pique’s lifestyle

Shakira wants to live a quiet life with her kids in Miami

According to sources, Shakira’s decision to move to Florida arose out of the need to provide her children with a quiet life since Pique’s fame as well his partying lifestyle affects the children’s freedom. An insider talked about Shakira’s decision and stated,

It’s the perfect city to go unnoticed and away from the press. Her children could lead a quieter life there. Besides, they have great friends there. And that is what he wants, that this separation does not harm his children.”

Moreover, the two are caught in a battle of custody over the kids. Pique’s decision to move might further impact the two’s relationship.

Source: Marca

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