Ken Wakui’s Tokyo Revengers franchise was one of the top-selling mangas during its peak popularity. It was all anyone could ever talk about when the anime adaptation of the series was released back in April 2021. However, the popularity of the show died down a great deal as the show progressed, even becoming hated by some fans, which led it to eventually lose a lot of viewers.

Despite the manga and anime garnering quite a bit of hate from the anime community, Ken Wakui looks to win back the fans with a sequel to his popular Tokyo Revengers series. But, the fans don’t seem to be anticipating the upcoming sequel.

Announcement for Tokyo Revengers sequel gets major backlash from fans

Tokyo Revengers (Via. Linden Films)
Tokyo Revengers (Via. Linden Films)

Tokyo Revengers follows the main protagonist of the show, Hanagaki Takemichi, a former delinquent, who is 26 years old at the beginning of the series. The whole narrative of the story revolves around Takemichi, who obtains the ability to go back in time and uses his powers to go back in time and save his ex-girlfriend who died after getting caught in some gang conflicts.

Though Ken Wakui’s manga series does have quite an interesting setting, there are quite a few places that he went with the story. Firstly, the main protagonist, Hanagaki Takemichi, was written in a way that fans of the show just found annoying after a certain point in time. Though he did have some character development as the show progressed, it wasn’t quite enough to get fans on board the Takemichi train. But the most crucial mistake Wakui made while writing his manga was the ending, as it felt rushed and left plenty of loopholes for the show.

Tokyo Revengers (Via. Linden Films)
Tokyo Revengers (Via. Linden Films)

Now, given how fans were so dissatisfied with the ending of the series, the announcement of the sequel didn’t seem to interest the fans as much as they had hoped. An X anime news page by the name @MangaMoguraRE posted a visual reveal for the sequel, but the comments section was filled with tons of hate.







Despite Tokyo Revengers gaining tons of hate, there are still some key factors that redeem Ken Wakui’s popular manga and anime series. So here are some of the reasons why you should give the anime a try if you haven’t.

Reasons why not to miss out on Tokyo Revengers

Tokyo Revengers (Via. Linden Films)
Tokyo Revengers (Via. Linden Films)

Beyond the theme of Gang Violence: While gang warfare is a very prominent theme, Tokyo Revengers also explores complex social issues. Tokyo Revengers touches on the themes of bullying, societal pressures, and the glamor of fitting into a group. However, this theme does add great weight to Hanagaki Takemichi’s character and his struggles.

Unique Blend of Genres: Tokyo Revengers has a way of blending genres of time travel and Gang Violence in a way that keeps things easy to consume for viewers. It also flawlessly mixes elements of action, drama, and Romance. This variety keeps the story engaging and unpredictable.

Visually Stunning Animation: The animation for Tokyo Revengers is top-notch. The fight scenes and the character designs certainly help a great deal in making Ken Wakui’s anime stand out from the rest. The animation style also helps keep fans get immersed with the story.

You can stream Tokyo Revengers on Crunchyroll and Hulu.

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