After working for over a decade on DC projects, Arrowverse Producer Greg Berlanti might not be seen in James Gunn’s new DC canon. Arrowverse is a group of TV shows aired on CW, where different DC comic characters occur in a multiverse. Starting from Arrow (2012), producer Greg Berlanti has worked to expand and create the superhero magic that traveled from small screens into the minds of the people. After The Flash finale, the Arrowverse was concluded, but it also pointed towards the conclusion of Berlanti’s relationship with DCU.

Berlanti’s Arrowverse I @DiscussingFilm X Post

Don’t expect to see Greg Berlanti join James Gunn’s DCU

Berlanti is not expected to be seen in the new DC canon, which is being created by Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn and Aquaman producer Peter Safran. According to Berlanti, he has served his time and the whole Arrowverse journey was very special to him.

I kind of feel like I served my time doing the Arrowverse Projects

flash series.jpg
The Flash Series Team I @gberlanti’s Insta

I don’t know if I would ever be able to recreate that experience again

The Arrowverse producer thinks that they might not be able to create the same magic, that they were able to create on the small screen. Whereas Gunn-Safran are all ready to create a new canon by ending the extended DC Universe and bringing Superman to theatres in 2025.

Greg Berlanti’s Comments might upset fans

The Flash being the most popular show of the Arrowverse has finally come to an end in its season nine. The finale episode aired on May 24, 2024, which also became an end of the Arrowverse. This conclusion in itself was enough to make the fans upset.

The comments of its producer, not joining the new DC canon might upset the fans even more. And the new DC canon not being able to create the same magic, might leave the fans with a feeling of dissatisfaction.

But on the other hand, both fans and critics are also impressed by Berlanti on how he achieved so much on a television budget and how he delivered his output with such dedication that made everything fit perfectly.

byu/Angela275 from discussion

The new DC Universe is all set to create magic with Superman releasing in July 2025.

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