Regarding Sony’s latest PlayStation Showcase event, which is expected to take place within this week on September 9, a fresh rumor has popped up which may hint at the revival of a famous franchise from the brand’s past. Particularly, that franchise is none other than Infamous, which is the open-world game built by Sucker Punch Productions. And even though this rumor might end up being nothing more than that just a rumor, it’s fairly possible that this week’s upcoming presentation could be holding a major surprise in store.

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The particular news of a potential new installment in the Infamous is provided by one Nick Baker. Baker, who’s been a much reliable insider over the course of the year 2021, posted on Twitter today and shared that his sources tell him that a new Infamous game of some type could be released in the upcoming days. It’s significant to know that Baker himself highlighted that this rumor might probably not carry much weight because he hasn’t gotten it clearly verified by his sources. However, he mentioned that he’s a huge fan of the game series and he will be crossing his fingers in hopes of a potential announcement.

Infamous Game

All in all, the Infamous game franchise is one that has been drowsing for quite some time now. The last prime entrance in the series was that of Infamous Second Son, which was released in 2014. A freestanding expansion known as Infamous First Light ended up also being released later in 2014, but since then, Sucker Punch proceeded further to build Ghost of Tsushima. It is much believed that the next part of Tsushima is something that could be in the initial development stage at Sucker Punch right now, which brings up another question that which studio would even work on a new Infamous game.

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So what are your thoughts on this potential release? Wouldn’t you love to see Infamous make it’s revival on PlayStation 5? And who do you think would be willing to work on the new installment? Let me know your thoughts down in the comment section, and also stay tuned for more gaming updates!

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