Well, while filming big projects like Deadpool 3 and Red Notice, actor Ryan Reynolds is also enjoying his favorite hobby, which is well, dragging 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Ryan Reynolds in Ryan Reynolds in ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’
Ryan Reynolds in Ryan Reynolds in ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’

Ryan Reynolds has ended up making an art form out of skewering the movie in the years since it was released. The movie was a huge disappointment to almost all fans of the Merc with a Mouth, as it utterly butchered the character that Marvel fans had come to know in the comics. Ryan Reynolds had agreed to do the movie despite knowing the fact that, even as it was being filmed, the character would be a total bust. Thanks to this, the actor has delighted in finally crucifying the movie whenever the right opportunity comes in.

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman

An all-new occasion for roasting came up after an innocuous tweet from the Chief Operations Officer at the AbleGamers Charity Foundation, Steven Spohn. Asking the denizens of Twitter “What ended your closest friendship?,” to which Reynolds wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to partake in his almost favorite pastime.

He ended up slamming the movie in an incredibly succinct form. The actor responded to this tweet with an “X-Men: Origins,” which, for obvious reasons, became the most popular reply. This reply tweet by Reynolds went viral, even surpassing the popularity of the original tweet, which currently has over 2,300 likes.

On the other hand, Ryan Reynolds’ response, at the time of writing, has a whopping 14,2 00.

Here’s the tweet:

May die-hard fans of Ryan Reynolds’ work quickly jumped on the wagon, giving their own takes on the reviled version of Wade Wilson. Many even went on to share images from the movie — which also managed to be quite insulting without any given extra context — or even noted their opinions on what Ryan Reynolds’ actual answer should have been. (Which could be well, worse, with X-Men Origins: Wolverine or Green Lantern?)


While there were many fans who were busy debating Reynolds’ worst movie until now, some also doubled in on the true joke in his tweet. The question wasn’t, “What was your worst job experience?” It was “What ended your closest friendship?” — which means that Ryan Reynolds is probably referencing his favorite person to hate on here, ie. Hugh Jackman. Jackman had played Wolverine in X-Men Origins and this was the very first time the two appeared on the big screen together.

This was also the beginning of their famous feud, which has hilariously stretched for over a decade now. The two enjoy taking on each other down a peg, whether it is through ads for their respective business commercials for forthcoming projects, or via the pranks in-person.

Fans also seized this perfect opportunity to roast Ryan Reynolds for his jab on Jackman, with one noting, “He never liked you anyway.”


Jackman is still to respond to Ryan’s tweet, but if you know the two of them, one can sense that a scathing reply is incoming. The duo seems to find a lot of joy in roasting each other whenever the right time arises, and Reynolds just yet another issued a challenge that Hugh is highly unlikely to ignore.


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