According to Sam Raimi, the director of the original Evil Dead trilogy, he and Bruce Campbell have begun talks to revive franchise yet again.

Raimi,Campbell to revive Franchise of the original Evil Dead

bruce campbell evil dead
Bruce Campbell

The subject came up while Raimi was talking about his upcoming film Crawl with Bloody Disgusting when the director mentioned he, Campbell and Robert Tapert were recently discussing an Evil Dead project. “We’d like to make another Evil Dead feature and in fact we’re working on some ideas right now,” Raimi said, adding that he has three possible ideas to bring back the franchise.

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Raimi Evil Dead

Another of Raimi’s ideas involves working with Fede Álvarez, who directed a 2013 re-imagining of Evil Dead, with Raimi producing. A sequel of the re-imagining was planned, though it never panned out. Nevertheless, Raimi is open to working with Álvarez again.

Raimi didn’t say much about the third idea, but teased, “So I think you may see some action on the Evil Dead movie in the next six months.”

Release: Crawl

Crawl is set to release on July 12. The film was written by Michael Rasmussen and Shawn Rasmussen and stars Barry Pepper and Ross Anderson.

Source: cbr , youtube

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