Search Results for: Lord Voldemort

Defence Against Dark Arts: Harry Potter Book Facts The Movies Missed Out On!
Defence Against Dark Arts: Harry Potter Book Facts The Movies Missed Out On!

If you ask people, most would agree that Harry Potter movies are some of the closest book to film adaptation. Right after The Lord of

10 Most Satisfying Deaths In Pop Culture History
10 Most Satisfying Deaths In Pop Culture History

Deaths of fictional characters in movies or TV shows have quite an impact on the audience. Some come out of the blue, knocking us out

Potterheads Can Now Spend The Night At His Childhood Home in England
Potterheads Can Now Spend The Night At His Childhood Home in England

Christmas feast for the Potterheads. Remember the Godric’s Hollow,where Harry Potter resided as a child ,where Voldemort brutally killed his parents? Well, what if you