The Johnny Depp-Amber Heard saga was one of the biggest things to have happened in 2022. The two married in 2015 in a private ceremony. However it ended as soon as it started, Amber Heard filed for divorce after 1.5 years of their marriage and obtained a restraining order against him.

In the later part of 2018, Heard released an op-ed in the Washington Post indirectly accusing Johnny Depp of domestic violence and substance abuse. And that was the start of the iconic battle between the two. Although Johnny Depp came out victorious and the settlement was in favor of him, his career will take time to recover.

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp

Also Read: “I can promise you no one is safe”: Johnny Depp Addresses Cancel Culture After Triumphant Victory Over Amber Heard That Nearly Destroyed His Legacy

Amber Heard’s actual motive for suing Johnny Depp

Post #MeToo there is a misbelief among people that no matter what the law is going to side with the women in the situation. So naturally, nobody thought the outcome will be any other way in the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation case. But in the end, people seem to root for the Pirates of the Caribbean actor to win over “Amber Turd”. Many clips and snippets were circulated around the internet to ridicule Amber Heard’s allegedly false claims.

Amber Heard
Amber Heard

Initially after writing the op-ed, although she did not name Johnny Depp people speculated him to be the abuser. Her pieces of evidence failed to prove her point to the T unlike Depp’s. Thus, the outcome was not in her favor. Her false promises to donate to charities and eventually failing to do so also did not help her case.

“I pledged the entirety of the $7 million to charity and I intend to fulfil those obligations,”

Heard said after the London 2020 court battle against Depp. But when asked if she fulfilled her promises to  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and a children’s hospital in Los Angeles, she simply replied,

“I have not yet. Johnny sued me.”

Thus, Johnny Depp claimed at the inception of the lawsuit and did not back down till the end.

“She had a financial motive”

People are thus speculating about the real reason for suing her ex-husband was solely monetary. Allegedly she was trying to take advantage of the system and failed miserably. The court later ruled that Johnny Depp indeed was defamed by the op-ed. Although the picture wasn’t completely black and white, the lawsuit has harmed both the actor’s careers.

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How the drama affected Johnny Depp’s career

Disney kicked out Johnny Depp from its box office hit movie series whereas brands kept their relations with Amber Heard which felt a bit unfair to Johnny Depp. Kathryn Arnold an entertainment consultant said,

“Every allegation of abuse, every text, every email, all the audio and visual stuff was brought to light and made public. The industry was watching closely and it’s hard for studios, especially one like Disney, to be connected to a star that has texts about burnt corpses and violent behaviour.”

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Johnny Depp’s son was ridiculed and called names. Brands and partnerships disassociated themselves from an alleged “wife-beater”. It is right that the case destroyed Johnny Depp’s career but at the same time completely annihilated Amber Heard’s career also. The conclusion of the case made it seem like it is not as easy to take “advantage” of the system. In both legal court and the public court of opinion Johnny Depp came out victorious and continues to work on himself.

Also Read: ‘She’s too busy looking for munchies’: Viral Amber Heard Video Shows Aquaman Star Possibly High on Weed – Eating Food Like a Maniac in the Elevator, Making Janitor Clean it Up

Source: Facts Verse YouTube channel

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