The trilogy conclusion of the Jurassic World series, Jurassic World: Dominion has hit the theaters and the critics and audience have not been very welcoming so far. The film, in an attempt to strike the nostalgia chord with the audience, also starred Laura Dern, Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum– from the original Jurassic Park, which is an undeniable classic.

Jurassic World Dominion
The OG cast members in Dominion: Goldblum, Neil and Dern

Also Read: Why A Jurassic Park Reboot Would Fail

Popcorn with Royalty for Jeff Goldblum

Goldblum, who was also a part of the second Jurassic World film, Fallen Kingdom, was recently interviewed by Entertainment Tonight at a presentation of the newly released film. He recounted the UK premiere of the first Jurassic Park film and reminisced the time spent with royalty.

“There were, you know, there were a few, with things like this…. I’ll tell you, you know, the first one we had, I’m remembering London,” Goldblum said. “We showed it to — speaking of the Jubilee, the Platinum Jubilee — we showed it to Princess Diana, and we had a kind of a royal screening… Steven Spielberg was here, Sam Neil was here, Princess Diana was here, you know, and we showed we showed them the movie.” He added.

The UK Premiere of Jurassic Park in 1993
The eyes Chico, they never lie.

Goldblum further revealed how he sat next to the Princess of Wales and even shared popcorn with her, reiterating the word ‘popcorn’ twice (We can empathize with the excitement this memory evoked. After all it’s Princess Diana!). “That’s all I can say,” Goldblum joked. “No, I was very much a gentleman and she was a spectacular lady.”

The Princess has awed many

Another actor from the cast of the OG Jurassic park film, Ariana Richards, who was just a kid back in 1993 and played the role of the terrified girl, Lex Murphy, also remembered the encounter with the Princess of Wales during the 25th anniversary of “Jurassic Park” in 2018. In a series of throwback photos on Instagram, she shared a newspaper picture showing her being greeted by Diana.

Richards is now retired from acting, but Goldblum is reprising his role of Dr. Ian Malcolm for the fourth time in the series.

A trip down nostalgia lane

Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park
The last go-around for Jeff Goldblum, perhaps?

When asked by the ET reporter about how he felt about this being “the last go-around. Perhaps, for you”, Goldblum ruminated, “None of us ever know when it might be the last go-around.” He added, “Yes, 30 years, jeez. I never did anything that lasted 30 years, like, this is kind of an amazing, you know, trippy little experience”.

Also Read: 5 Ways Jurassic World Is Better Than Jurassic Park Trilogy

Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard play the lead roles in ‘Jurassic World Dominion’, reprising their roles following the 2015 blockbuster ‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’. Colin Trevorrow, who directed the first two films in the trilogy, returns as the director.

Also Read: After Jurassic World Dominion’s Failure, Bryce Dallas Howard Takes a Break from Acting

Source: Today, Outlook

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