In his new memoir, Spare, Britain’s Prince Harry makes a series of incendiary accusations against members of his royal family. It details his split from the family as well as several private spats with other senior royals. The memoir, which was released on January 10, 2023, contains a slew of rebukes and criticisms. It also includes grievances about Prince Harry’s time as a senior member of the royal family, as well as information about his highly publicized split from the family in 2020.

Among the most explosive claims is Prince Harry’s revelation that he contacted Queen Elizabeth II to discuss his departure from Britain with his wife. 

Prince Harry also discussed the death of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, which has been widely discussed since parts of his memoir were leaked. She was Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, who died on September 8, 2022. 

Prince Harry
Prince Harry

Prince Harry also revealed the final words that he whispered to her in Spare. According to reports, he expressed his wish for her late grandmother to be “happy” and reunited with her late husband, Prince Philip.

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Queen Elizabeth II Was Exhausted And Heartbroken

Spare features Prince Harry detailing his extremely personal life incidents. He recalled a brawl with his brother, Prince William, and reenacted Princess Diana’s fateful trip through the Pont de l’Alma tunnel. The Duke of Sussex discussed the day his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, died as one of his life’s anecdotes. The 38-year-old also returned to their 2019 conversation to discuss his ongoing ordeal and his relocation to a Commonwealth state.

As per the memoir, when Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, requested to leave the Royal Family and begin a new life away from royal duties in 2019, Queen Elizabeth II was heartbroken.

However, she permitted her grandson, Prince Harry, and his wife to leave the Royal Family but not continue to receive the benefits that come with being a member of the Royal Family.

Megha Markel Prince Harry and the Queen.
Queen Elizabeth II Was Exhausted and Heartbroken

While recounting their conversation, Prince Harry told the former monarch. “We’re coming back to Britain. We’d love to see you. I told her explicitly that we hoped to discuss with her our plan to create a different working arrangement. She wasn’t pleased. Neither was she shocked. She knew how unhappy we were, she’d seen this day on the horizon.”

The late queen, according to the Spare, wasn’t “pleased” by their decision. Queen Elizabeth II stated that she was deeply hurt and that she no longer cared because she just wanted to forget about it.

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Prince Harry Gets Personal in His Spare

In his memoir, Spare, Prince Harry described how he “stared and stared” upon seeing his late grandmother’s dead body at Balmoral Castle.

In addition to discussing his 2019 conversation with Queen Elizabeth, he also spoke about the moment he saw the former monarch’s body at Balmoral. He said, “I braced myself, and went in. The room was dimly lit, unfamiliar – I’d been inside it only once in my life. “I moved ahead uncertainly, and there she was.” 

Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth II
Prince Harry gets personal in his ‘Spare’

Meghan Markel’s husband continued, “I stood, frozen, staring. I stared and stared. It was difficult, but I kept on, thinking how I’d regretted not seeing my mother at the end. Years of lamenting that lack of proof, postponing my grief for want of proof. Now I thought: Proof. Careful what you wish for.”

Finally, he expressed his desire for Queen Elizabeth to be reunited with her late husband, Prince Philip, who died in April 2021. The book, Spare, was officially released on January 10, 2023. It is available in both print and digital formats. 

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Source- Spare; CNN

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