In Hollywood, there are a lot of strict moms. They are overcompensating because their children will grow up in a lot more luxury than other children. Famous American singer Jennifer Lopez, 53, is a boss mom who sometimes has to be tough on her twins, Emme and Max Muniz. In her family, kids live by strict rules, which may seem odd to an ordinary person.

Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck and their kids
J Lo, Ben Affleck, and their kids

Jennifer Lopez often said her children saved her and changed her life dramatically, but she wasn’t ready to give up her successful career for motherhood. Despite having to move around quite a bit with her children, she felt confident that she could combine the two roles; reportedly, she partially homeschooled her children while doing her Las Vegas residency and touring. As a result, her children had an unstable friendship.

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Jennifer Lopez Reportedly Manipulated Her Kids Into Homeschooling

There is indeed no other artist on earth like Jennifer Lopez. She’s a wonder of ageless beauty who seems to get better with age. Yet, it is always a mystery to Lopez’s fans how she manages to get things done at home with such a crazy schedule, especially for her kids. On February 22, 2008, Lopez welcomed twin babies Max and Emme into the world. She was married to Marc Anthony at the time; later, they divorced in 2014.

jennifer lopez walks the runway at the versace show during news photo 1579012071
Jennifer Lopez

Furthermore, we’ll look at a certain rule she made for her kids, one that is a must, especially given the limited time she has with her children, that is ‘Home-schooling.’

Since she was touring like a gypsy, the singer believed this was the best way to manage her kids and give them her precious time. During her Las Vegas residency and tour, she partially homeschooled her children. However, Fans alleged at that time that she was trying to save her $400M fortune by homeschooling them and taking them on tours. Many believed she was doing the right thing for the children’s sake. Despite this, JLo takes education very seriously. When needed, she helps her twins with their homework, even teaching them modern math.

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Jennifer Lopez Is A Boss Mom

Any mother becomes the boss mom for the children’s sake when it comes to giving importance and taking care of them. However, there were some strict rules that she made for her kids to follow, leading them to have a healthy lifestyle.

J Lo with twins
J Lo with Emme Muniz and Max Muniz

Along with homeschooling, she also made up “Sunday Funday” rules for Emme and Max, which means they were not allowed to use their gadgets during the week but were free to spend every Sunday with their gadgets.

She made her kids eat healthily but allowed occasional cheat meals and ice cream. The Muniz twins had to learn to be comfortable in the spotlight and accompany their mother on red carpets and television shows. As their family changed, the twins learned to accept it, including JLo’s relationships. She married Justice League star Ben Affleck in 2022, enjoying their new life together.

Jennifer Lopez teaches her children to become humanitarians and uses their assistance for her charitable endeavors. As a result, Max and Emme learn to be kind and help those less fortunate.

Also Read: ‘Her parents insisted it was a really STUPID idea’: Jennifer Lopez’s Parents Were Against Her Movie Career Because ‘No Latinos Star in Low Budget Movies’

Source: YouTube

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