Having teased for months, Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Snyder Cut‘s first trailer was released at the DC FanDome event.

Prior to the trailer’s release, Zack Snyder had been dropping subtle hints in forms of previously unused photos from the Justice League (2017).

But now with the trailer finally released, we can only muster up to say, Hallelujah!

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Zack Snyder’s unceremonious exit from Justice League due to a personal tragedy put director Joss Whedon at the helm of the movie.

Using Snyder’s scenes along with some original sequences shot by him, Justice League became a Frankenstein monster of two different and opposite artistic visions.

Joss Whedon’s trademark humor which worked wonders in Avengers (2012) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) failed to make its impact in Justice League.

Forced humor, cringe-worthy dialogues, and a distasteful attempt at sexualizing Wonder Woman made Justice League a critical and commercial failure.

Justice League‘s failure and its marked departure from Snyder’s dark and mature universe raised hell as fans demanded the original movie envisaged by the director.

Online petitions to release the original movie soon became a phenomenon called #ReleaseTheSnyderCut.

As Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Ray Fisher, Jason Momoa, and Ben Affleck also joined the movement in Twitter, HBO Max picked up the unfinished project to finish it and release it on its streaming platform.

Superman in Snyder Cut

The first trailer which was recently released at the DC FanDome event confirmed that Justice League: Snyder Cut is going to be quite different from the horrible travesty that was released back in 2017.

From Superman donning the Black Suit to focusing a lot more on Cyborg, the trailer has breathed new life into the crushed dreams of witnessing the Justice League on the silver screen.

As Snyder has confirmed that his version would of four hours long, the movie will be released like a four-part miniseries.

From introducing a terrifying new Steppenwolf to introducing Darkseid, the trailer was a wet dream coming to alive for many fans.

But, if you would’ve looked closely, Zack Snyder added a blink-and-you-miss easter egg in the trailer. Yes, it’s the Clown Prince of Crime.

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As the trailer begins, we are introduced to a furious Uxas (Darkseid) swinging his ax.

As the scene changes, we see a post-apocalyptic world where Darkseid has conquered the Earth and laid waste to the planet.

In a barren landscape with a gigantic omega symbol drawn on the ground, a Parademon can be seen flying with an alien spaceship hovering in the distance.

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As the camera pans in, we can see a broken remnant of what seems like the Hall of Justice.

But if you look intently, a card appears for a few seconds before the scene changes.

Definitely not a business card, it turns out the card has a Joker drawn on itself. And in the DC Extended Universe, it can only mean one thing.

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With this subtle easter egg, Zack Snyder acknowledged the Clown Prince of Crime.

As Darkseid has ravaged the Earth in this scene which was also shown as the Knightmare sequence in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, did the Joker side with the heroes as a last stand against the ruler of Apokolips?

Interestingly, as HBO Max picked up Zack Snyder’s unfinished Justice League, David Ayer has also been trying to rally his supporters to convince a major studio house to let him finish his true vision for the critically panned Suicide Squad.

Though a few supporters have come out with #ReleaseTheAyerCut, only time will tell if Ayer’s vision will ever come to life.

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