Spider-Man: Far From Home will be the 5th time we see Tom Holland in the MCU. However, it seems like we’re not discovering anything about his Uncle Ben than when we started. While we realize that the character existed at some time, there is a hesitance to bring the character in this universe.

It has bewildered many and caused a lot of discussion among purists and long-lasting Spidey fans. All things considered, Uncle Ben is significant to Peter Parker’s arc. It was his unfortunate end that enlivened his nephew to become the hero we as a whole love and appreciate. Let’s be honest: Without Ben Parker, there would be no Spider-Man.

From one viewpoint, numerous fans are happy that we weren’t exposed to another Uncle Ben demise scene in the MCU. We’ve just seen Uncle Ben die many times over the recent two decades, haven’t we?

Why hasn’t MCU shown Uncle Ben?

Much like Bruce Wayne’s folks being gunned down in Crime Alley, we get it: It was a transformative experience. In any case, as Feige stated, it would be retreading family territory. Truth be told, if you consider Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man and its reviews, one of the criticisms was the manner where they spent such an extensive amount of time reiterating Spidey’s origin and his uncle’s destiny. In this new film arrangement up until now, Sony and Marvel Studios have chosen to do things somewhat differently.

Marvel Comics

On account of Uncle Ben, he’s been implied in a few different ways. In Homecoming, there were a couple of disposable lines about him. We also saw Peter using his bag – with the initials B.F.P. – in the Far From Home trailer. This affirms he was a piece of the MCU sometime in the distant past, regardless of whether he hasn’t been referenced by name.

In any case, we can’t shake the inclination that Peter and Aunt May approve of him being no more. It’s hard to pinpoint the genuine time period of his demise. In any case, taking from comics and Peter being 15 years old in Spider-Man: Homecoming, his uncle’s passing happened a couple of months before we met him in Captain America: Civil War.

See, time heals everything, however, May, particularly, looks all mended up. While she’s clearly not quite the same as her comic book version, she has joyfully played with Tony Stark and Happy Hogan on a few events.

Tony and Peter

Furthermore, Peter’s role model is not his uncle, but Tony. While it’s a fascinating dynamic and bodes well if you think about Peter’s affection for science and Tony’s accomplishments, it tries too hard to erase Uncle Ben’s effect in his life. Until now Marvel has embraced Peter and Tony’s relationship more than Peter and Ben.

While change isn’t always awful and can revive characters, it feels like Uncle Ben got the short end of the stick here. His impact in Peter and May’s life has lessened definitely, as though he’s only a reconsideration in the storytellers’ eyes. It’s completely conceivable this could change in future movies, but for now it’s a Ben-less MCU.

Source: CBR

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