There are only a few TV shows that will keep you smiling through and through. One of those without a doubt is The Mandalorian. Yes, most of the credit for those smiles goes to the cuddly little child, but you’ve got to appreciate the work that has been put into the visual effects, makeup, costume design, and obviously, the casting. This series has taken Star Wars to the level that it deserves to be on. But every now and then, it has made little mistakes here and there. To be fair, those mistakes just came in the fourth episodes of both the seasons.

The mandalorian Chapter 4 mike

As you can see, a boom mike dropped into the scene when Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) was speaking to Omera In The Mandalorian Chapter 4: Sanctuary. Although, this goof-up wasn’t as major because the mike blends in and is mostly invisible unless you watch the footage in slow motion, or you’re really looking for it. But recently in The Mandalorian Chapter 12: The Siege, viewers were able to spot another error. And this time, it was much bigger than a just a negligible mike drop.

The mandalorian greef carga cara dune 1

In the episode, Mando reunited with Greef Carga (Carl Weathers) and Cara Dune (Gina Carano) on Nevarro. While his ship, the Razor Crest was being repaired, Mando put Baby Yoda in a classroom and tagged along with Carga, Dune and Mythrol on a side mission. Together, the four attacked an old Imperial base on the planet. When they shot at two Imperial Officers, a crew member who was sporting a T-shirt, a jeans and a watch was spotted in the scene. It was a blink and you’ll miss it moment, but you could clearly make out the fact that he wasn’t a part of the show. Focus on the very left of the following still from Chapter 12: The Siege:

rip to jeans guy

This little goof-up got a lot of traction over the past week. It almost became as popular as the Game of Thrones Starbucks cup. While it’s good that we couldn’t see the face of the “jeans guy,” all that doesn’t matter now. Right before the launch of Chapter 13, Disney+ and Lucasfilm have edited the crew member out of the scene. So, if you go for a rerun or watch Chapter 12 for the first time on Disney+, you won’t spot the error anymore. This is a pretty cool move from Lucasfilm, as it shows that they really care about the quality of their content, and the verdict of their viewers.

Next up, we’re really excited for Ahsoka Tano in The Mandalorian Chapter 13: The Jedi. Hopefully it won’t have any mistakes this time around.



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