Marvel has kept us thoroughly entertained with the variety of villains over the years. Even if we see the same villains, the variation they come along with is something to look out for. Some of our strongest and beloved Marvel superheroes have some iconic villains that have reached their peaks in several storylines. Today, let’s talk about the strongest versions of famous Marvel villains. Check it out!

1. God-King Doom

Marvel Villains and their strongest version
Marvel Villains and their strongest version

Doctor Doom is easily one of the strongest Marvel characters, but when he became the God-King Doom, things got a bit more serious. During the Secret Wars event, Doom used the powers of the Beyonders to create Battleworld, which was a planet created using the bits and pieces of the colliding universes. Combined with the powers of the Beyonders, he became omnipotent and could even bend reality and time.

2. Onslaught

Marvel Villains and their strongest version
Marvel Villains and their strongest version

What happens when you combine Xavier and Magneto? Well, when two of the strongest mutants come together, they create Onslaught. During one of their confrontations, Xavier hit Magneto with a very strong psychic blast. As a result, a part of Magento’s mind latched on to Xavier’s which brought his inner demons to the surface. He shared the powers of magnetism and telepathy, and their ideologies too.

3. Astral Regulator Thanos

Marvel Villains and their strongest version
Marvel Villains and their strongest version

Astral Regulator first appeared in Thanos: The Infinity Conflict #1 which is a device created by One-Above-All. Now, there is a Regulator hidden in each universe and of course, Thanos managed to find the ones hidden in Earth. He was guided to the device by his future self and infused the object into him. Now, this gave Thanos the powers of the living Tribunal and he even had more power than all of the Infinity Stones combined.

4. Galactus + Dormammu

Galactus absorbed the essence of Dormammu
Galactus absorbed the essence of Dormammu

The well-known Marvel character is known as the world eater and Dormammu is a well-known multiversal threat. In 2019’s Doctor Strange #15, Galactus absorbed the essence of Dormammu and gained control over the Dark Dimension. So, during this time, Galactus has control over the Power Cosmic and even had mastery over Dark Magic. However, his ego got the better of him and his upgrade didn’t last long.

5. Ultron Possessed Odin’s Powers

Marvel Villains and their strongest version
Marvel Villains and their strongest version

During Avengers: Ultron Forever, the storyline explored a future where the Ultron virus spreads across the globe and proves too much for the future. Moreover, Ultron conquered the galaxy and tried to extend his rule with his eyes on Asgard. Now, with the help of Loki, Ultron killed Odin and claimed the power of the All-Father. Of course, this was the strongest version of Ultron.

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