Marvel has a lot of iconic villains that the fans simply adore. Some of them are Thanos, Loki, Galactus, and so many more. But one that has managed to stay relevant and exciting is none other than Doctor Doom. He is considered a formidable enemy and most of the Marvel heroes try not to cross his path. However, let’s not forget that every villain has their end. Some iconic Marvel superheroes have defeated Doctor Doom, and rather humiliated him! So, let’s take a look at the superheroes. Check it out!

Iron Man

Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom
Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom

Iron Man and Doctor Doom do share a strong comic book history. Even though fans have wondered if they would ever get to see this face off in the MCU, let’s talk about the time when Iron Man defeated Doom. In one of Doom’s expeditions to the past, he encounters Iron Man and both of them are transported to Arthurian times. There, Doom teams up with the ancient sorceress Morgan Le Fay. They build up an army of zombies to defeat King Arthur’s forces. But on the other side, Iron Man teams up with the king and uses his incredible intelligence to fight off the threat. In an exciting turn of events, Iron Man defeats Doctor Doom.

Black Panther

Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom
Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom

Black Panther is someone you do not want to mess with, no matter who’s under the mask. When Wakanda was overthrown by a highly skilled team of insurgents, Black Panther figured that it was someone else behind the attack. He was right. It was Doctor Doom who contemplated the whole scheme. The events took place in the series called Doomwar where T’Challa went against the villain head-on. Now, the reason why he lost was that Black Panther flipped the script. Doom was after the large supply of vibranium and T’Challa rendered the vibranium useless. This proved that T’Challa would go to any length to save his people. He won.


Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom
Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom

Marvel fans love the most popular Wolverine storyline which talks about an alternate universe Old Man Logan. However, there’s a young female clone of Wolverine known as Laura, aka X-23 and she has her book titled, ‘Old Woman Laura.’ Now, the final villain of this world is Doctor Doom. She assembled a team of heroes and hit him where it would hurt him the most. She infiltrated Doom’s home in Latveria!

Luke Cage

Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom
Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom

Luke Cage, along with Iron Fist formed the Heroes For Hire Inc. They would take on assignments in return for money. But being heroes, they would never turn down anyone in need of help and hence would compromise on their payment. Upon learning about the team, Doom hired Cage to fight and destroy some of his robots. After getting his revenge, Doom bailed out on them and returned to Latveria. However, Cage wasn’t done, he followed Doom to his home and beat the supervillain to a pulp. Why? Because he didn’t pay him! Now that’s cool.


Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom
Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom knows how to use a situation to his advantage. In the new mini-series titled Spider-Man: Life Story, Doom takes over the world. He creates a new world order while all the heroes are fighting each other due to the ongoing civil war. Spider-Man teams up with Miles Morales to go into space to destroy Doom’s orbiting satellite. Even though he sacrificed his life to do so, he was able to overthrow Doom.


Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom
Superheroes that have defeated Doctor Doom

Now comes the Merc with a Mouth. Deadpool, Hulk, and Spider-Man go on a craxy multiple reality trip where they discover an alternate version of Victor Von Doom who goes by the name of Death Mask. However, it was later revealed that he was none other than Wade Wilson. Deadpool was easily able to subdue Death Mask, take on his identity, and destroy his empire. Even though not Doom himself, this is the closes Deadpool has come to destroy him, be it an alternate.

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