Clark Kent (better known as Superman) and Homelander, the edgy superhero from The Boys, might not have crossed paths in a story yet. But that doesn’t stop the actors who play them, Antony Starr and Jack Quaid, from having some fun and picking who they think would win in a fight.

The Boys
Antony Starr as Homelander in The Boys (Credits: Amazon Prime Video)

Starr thinks Homelander could beat Superman. He said Homelander wouldn’t play fair – he might grab people as shields or attack Superman by surprise. Another thing the 48-year-old pointed out is that Superman has a weakness to a glowing green rock called Kryptonite, but Homelander doesn’t have any weaknesses like that!

Jack Quaid and Antony Starr Debate over Superman vs. Homelander

Superman (voiced by Jack Quaid in My Adventures with Superman) and Antony Starr in The Boys (Credits: Studio Mir/Amazon Prime Video)
Superman (voiced by Jack Quaid in My Adventures with Superman) and Antony Starr in The Boys (Credits: Studio Mir/Amazon Prime Video)

Jack Quaid, the voice of a young Superman in the cartoon My Adventures with Superman, thinks Superman would crush Homelander! Quaid told in an interview with Screen Rant:

I think my particular version of Superman has a lot of growing to do, and he still needs to discover some more of the powers that we all know are in there but give him a few seasons, and he can take Homelander, for sure.

But Antony Starr, who plays Homelander in the satirical superhero TV show The Boys, has a different take. The New Zealand told in another interview with Screen Rant, Homelander’s mean streak would be his winning ticket. Take a look at his following response:

Here’s why Homelander would kick Superman’s ass. There’s no Kryptonite factor, and Homie would fight so dirty. He’s the [type to go], ‘Oh, you got me!’ as he goes down and then comes up and throws sand in your eyes. He’s a dirty dude, man. Whereas Superman is always like, ‘Oh, I wouldn’t do that. Oh, there’s innocent children that might get hurt.’ Homie’s going to human shield himself with the kids.

With both sides making valid points, the debate rages on!

Fans’ Reactions to Antony Starr’s Take

Antony Starr
Antony Starr as Homelander in The Boys (Credits: Amazon Prime Video)

Antony Starr is facing the wrath of online trolls after making a bold claim about his character’s strength. This stirred outrage among Superman fans, who flooded social media with hilarious memes and comments mocking Starr’s assertion.

If Superman and Homelander were to fight, who would win? It’s a close call, but most fans believe Superman has the edge. Check out some fan reactions on this:

While Homelander might catch Superman off guard at first, most would agree the Man of Steel would win in the end. Superman’s just way tougher, more experienced, and knows how to fight smart. However, it wouldn’t be an easy win. Homelander would undoubtedly put up a fierce fight.

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