death note


Best Live Action Anime Adaptations Of All Time
Best Live Action Anime Adaptations Of All Time

Live Action Anime adaptations are notorious for being terrible. Trying to mimic what goes into an anime in a live-action environment isn’t always done well and

4 Anime Characters Who Are Exactly Like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory
4 Anime Characters Who Are Exactly Like Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory remains as one of TV’s generally dearest and eccentric sitcoms. It included a crew of virtuoso companions and their jokes at

Anime : 10  Heroes Who Are As Best As They Think They Are !
Anime : 10 Heroes Who Are As Best As They Think They Are !

“Heroes aren’t born , they are made”, over the years with the number of animes introduced to us , and this is the same thing

10 Supporting Anime Characters Who Should Get Their Own Spin-Offs
10 Supporting Anime Characters Who Should Get Their Own Spin-Offs

Often, the main lead can show his prowess only when the side characters are good. In Anime, there are numerous side characters that are so