• Mattson Tomlin encountered a crucial obstacle while adapting Terminator for Japan setting.
  • Tomlin wants to tell a Godfather-like story with Terminator Zero.
  • Terminator Zero premieres on Netflix this August.

Nobody needs an introduction to the incredibly successful and satisfying Terminator franchise. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and directed by the visionary James Cameron, the science fiction franchise redefined time travel and action for the industry as a whole. However, a case can be made for the deteriorating quality of the movies after a certain point.

Now, with Japan as its setting, Mattson Tomlin is releasing an animated series called Terminator Zero on Netflix. More like an anime, The Batman 2 writer has something very ingenious in mind. However, fans will have to wait and see how that idea translates on the streaming platform.

Biggest Problem with Terminator Zero set in Japan

A still from Terminator Zero (Credits: Netflix Animation)
A still from Terminator Zero (Credits: Netflix Animation)

Terminator movies are said to be a bit complicated to follow since they often move through time and have an intricate storytelling process. However, the showrunner for Terminator Zero had a more serious problem at hand. Mattson Tomlin was more baffled by the fact that Japan doesn’t have guns as widespread as America does.

The biggest problem with Terminator Zero set in Japan is the lack of guns and their easy accessibility. Hilariously, this is also the moment when Tomlin realizes how American he is. In a conversation with Entertainment Weekly, he mentioned,

I was aware that there aren’t really guns in Japan, and I don’t think I quite appreciated how real that was. My partners at Production I.G came back and said, ‘Hey, so…there are no guns [in Japan]. If we needed a gun, we don’t know where we would get it.’ It was just such a stunning moment for me, like, ‘Oh, wow, I am an American.’

Terminator Zero | Netflix
Terminator Zero | Netflix

This has added a Samurai-like layer to the dynamic narrative, making sure Terminator Zero carves a unique niche for itself. In another interview with Empire Magazine, the showrunner claimed,

My Japanese producers said it would never happen. Japan’s not like America, with guns everywhere – if you want a gun there, you take 12 weeks, go to school, learn the laws…

At the same time, this opens up newer doors of creativity for the franchise. Not only can they actively stand apart from the rest of the Terminator projects but they also feature some mind-blowing action sequences using swords and knives. Moreover, the Netflix series will feature newer characters and move away from the familiar faces of Terminator projects.

Plot of Terminator Zero anime

Netflix's Terminator Zero
Terminator Zero | Netflix

The animated Netflix series will be set in Japan, as previously mentioned. The showrunners have tried to emulate aspects of an anime in the series along with thrilling twists and turns that will keep the viewers hooked. The year is 1997 in Terminator Zero and the country is facing Judgement Day. Speaking about the plot and his inspirations, Tomlin said,

I knew that I wanted to tell a time-travel story, and I knew I wanted to tell an almost Godfather-like multi-generational saga that would ultimately follow this family with these kids. What I wanted to do, if we get to do multiple seasons, is to see these kids grow up and see who they become.

Taking cues from the original stories, Terminator Zero also features a battle between the machine and human races. Moreover, the anime will also feature time travel and a race to finish a mission before reality catches up with the protagonist. The showrunner seems entirely ambitious about Terminator Zero and hopes for the project to land as well as he dreams it to.

Terminator Zero will be released on Netflix on August 29.

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