The Acolyte is Taking a Page Out of Game of Thrones’ Playbook With its Plot Twists But It’ll Be Tough to Pull Off
Disney+’s new Star Wars series, The Acolyte, isn’t shying away from showing the dark side of the Force. Only halfway through its first season, the body count is piling up. The show has already seen three Jedi Masters, a group of Witches, a Padawan, and several Jedi Knights, including Yord, to meet their end.

With rumors of more deaths to come, it looks like The Acolyte is borrowing a strategy from the super-popular but super-violent show Game of Thrones. However, the question is: Can this ruthless approach work for Star Wars?
The Acolyte Might Be Following Game of Thrones’ Fatal Trend

Game of Thrones shocked viewers by unexpectedly killing off major characters, like Ned Stark’s public execution in season 1 only. This kept audiences constantly surprised and anxious about who would be next. However, this approach has its drawbacks, too. When too many important characters are suddenly removed, it’s hard for viewers to feel deeply attached or see satisfying character growth.
New Star Wars series The Acolyte has fans worried it might fall into the same trap as Game of Thrones. And the same thing might happen to important Jedi Masters. Even the deaths of less central characters like Yord Fandar (Charlie Barnett) and Jecki Lon (Dafne Keen) have fans concerned.
These characters seem like they’ll be big players, guiding the main heroes and shaping the story. But if the show kills them off too soon, it leaves the story feeling empty. These unexpected losses make fans wonder if the show is really giving its characters enough time to develop.
The Acolyte‘s Narrative Will Only Make Sense if Each Death Shapes the Story’s Path

While everyone remembers the jaw-dropping Red Wedding scene in Game of Thrones, a good character death is about more than just shock value. A character’s demise shouldn’t feel like a random pit stop on the way to the next episode. Instead, it should be like a key plot point, pushing the story forward.
Take the Red Wedding, for instance. Sure, everyone was totally stunned. But that bloodbath also showed just how ruthless the Lannisters can be, right? Plus, it upped the pressure for everyone else still alive in Westeros.
If The Acolyte is to succeed with its high death toll, it needs to ensure each loss carries weight. For it to truly resonate with fans, each fallen Jedi needs to leave a mark. Even if their time in the galaxy was brief, their stories should add something important to the bigger picture.
Watch The Acolyte on Disney+ and Game of Thrones on HBO!