• The second season of Apothecary Diaries is on a roll and fans are impress by its faithful adaptation.
  • Lady Anshi's warning to Jishin about Maomao has troubled a few fans and they want to know what happens next.
  • Here are all the details about Episode 10 of The Apothecary Diaries' second season, such as its release date, spoilers and more.

The Apothecary Diaries has once again impressed fans with its mystery and intriguing plot. This season’s Episode 9 titled “The Late Emperor” ends with Anshi warning Jinshi about keeping his favorites hidden from others for their safety.

Key Visual for The Apothecary Diaries showing Maomao and Jinshi staring into the distance
Key Visual for The Apothecary Diaries | Credits: OLM, TOHO Animation

This warning, which hints at Jinshi’s attachment towards Maomao, and curiosity about other mysteries, has fans waiting eagerly for Episode 10 in hopes that it might reveal more information about Anshi’s warning.

The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 10: Release details

An interested Jinshi from The Apothecary Diaries
Jinshi from The Apothecary Diaries Season 1 Episode 22 | Credits: OLM, TOHO Animation

The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 10 titled “A Ghost Story” is set to release on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 9:15 AM Pacific Time and 12:15 PM Eastern Time.

In case fans are wondering where they can watch the episode, and the rest of the series, both the seasons of The Apothecary Diaries are available for streaming on Crunchyroll.

Where did the last episode leave off?

A happy and excited Maomao from The Apothecary Diaries
Maomao from The Apothecary Diaries | Credits: OLM, TOHO Animation

Episode 9 of Season 2 of The Apothecary Diaries saw Maomao requesting permission to enter the Late Emperor’s room to solve the mystery of his well-preserved body. While waiting for permission, Maomao speaks to Suiren and discovers a box full of Jinshi’s childhood toys, in which she also discovers orpiment.

During her inspection of the Late Emperor’s room, it was revealed that the orpiment that she had found, which is a substance similar to arsenic, had played a huge role in preserving his body, thus throwing the supernatural aspects out of the discussion.

We find out that absorbing enough of it can slow down the decomposition of a body, and the late emperor, due to being a talented painter who spent most of his time painting, had absorbed enough of it to preserve his body after his death.

The episode also reveals Anshi’s backstory, revealing that she had tortured the Emperor’s mind, causing him to lock himself in the palace. As revelations about the character of the emperor, and about Anshi are made, the episode ends with her warning Jinshi that not hiding his favorites can expose them to danger.

Season 2 Episode 10: Spoiler talk and what to expect

A confused Maomao with Yinghua
Yinghua and Maomao from The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Episode 3 | Credits: OLM, TOHO Animation

Episode 10 of Season 2 of The Apothecary Diaries titled “A Ghost Story” will be adapting Chapter 59 titled “Ghost Stories”, and will see Maomao being dragged by Yinghua to a gathering.

This gathering is dedicated to sharing cursed tales, and the oldest court lady suggests that each of them should share a story, making it a total of 13 chilling tales. This causes Maomao to get uneasy because the group consists of only 12 members. As the event progresses, she feels light-headed.

Season 2 Episode 10 (Episode 34) Preview
byu/LegendsofLost inTheApothecaryDiaries

Just as the final story is about to end, she realizes that the smoke in the room is causing everyone to be unwell, and she interrupts the story to open a window, thus breaking the cycle.

This disperses the smoke, and everyone is saved, the oldest court lady disappears and Maomao feels a chilling presence. It is later revealed to her that the place where they had met was where the previous emperor’s servant had died, making it a paranormal experience.

Sadly, this means that Episode 10 of The Apothecary Diaries‘ second season will not reveal any information regarding the implications of Anshi’s warning, but we are sure that this paranormal episode will still be great, and fans will have fun watching it.

The Apothecary Diaries is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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