The Big Bang Theory Characters Ranked By Intelligence
From 2007 through 2019, The Big Bang Theory was a popular sitcom. The Big Bang Theory revolves around four main characters: a group of scientific friends and their escapades at work, their many treasured fandoms, and, most importantly, the realm of dating and love. Even if they have a lot of mistakes and errors, these four guys are all really intelligent and have earned those degrees.
Many other characters on The Big Bang Theory are also extremely intelligent. New scientists emerged to compete with the four main males in academia, including their future spouses and new closest friends, as the ensemble of people swelled. These prominent personalities can be generally categorized based on their intellect, as assessed by their college degrees, achievement in their fields of study, resourcefulness, creative thinking, and other factors.
5. Howard Wolowitz

Howard Wolowitz is one of The Big Bang Theory’s four major characters, and he’s always been a smart and eager engineer. Howard puts his Master’s degree to good use by building and tinkering with a wide range of technologies, from robot arms to battle bots.
Howard even became a payload expert on the International Space Station (ISS) and a trained astronaut to work onboard that station. Howard’s innovations may occasionally blow up in his face, but he can quickly get back on his feet and start work. Even though Sheldon mocks and abuses him, he refuses to give up.
4. Priya Koothrapalli

Priya Koothrappali is Rajesh’s younger sister, and while she isn’t an astronomer or physicist, she is an excellent lawyer, much to Sheldon’s dismay. According to Leonard, Priya graduated from Oxford at the top of her class, which says volumes about Priya’s razor-sharp brains and intelligence.
Priya had the opportunity to demonstrate her impressive legal talents when she analyzed the roommate agreement and discovered several flaws in it. She astounded everyone in The Big Bang Theory when she outwitted Sheldon with his own paper. Priya can practice law in three separate nations, according to Leonard. That’s rather remarkable.
3. Rajesh Koothrapalli

Rajesh is another of the four major characters, and he has a Ph.D. in astronomy from Cambridge, which is extremely outstanding. He didn’t stay in the UK or return to India, though, and instead moved to Pasadena, California, where he met Howard. Then he met Leonard and Sheldon, whom he befriended.
Raj is an accomplished and enthusiastic astronomer who can solve complex equations with ease. He is nearly as intelligent as his sister Priya, but his imagination and subjects of study are broader, therefore he can be considered somewhat better in total intellect and creativity.
2. Leonard Hofstadter

Leonard is one of the four major characters in The Big Bang Theory, and he is unquestionably the smartest of them all. Leonard didn’t like it, but he grew up in a family of cold, calculating scientists, which helped assure he grew up to be one as well. Leonard specializes in particle physics.
Leonard is equally adept at working with sophisticated calculations and high-tech scientific equipment, despite his reputation for stealing other people’s work. Leonard’s thinking is clever and adaptable, and he can handle a wide range of academic subjects with ease. He’s also quite intelligent in everyday life and enjoys playing practical jokes on Sheldon.
- Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper

Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper may be rude, obstinate, physically fragile, and curiously gullible at times, but there’s no doubting that he is by far The Big Theory’s brightest character. To begin with, he possesses two PhD.s and a Master’s degree, as well as a photographic memory and a strong eye for details and patterns.
Sheldon was also a boy genius, solving graduate school-level puzzles and formulae before the age of ten, something that not even his best buddies could manage. Sheldon is also a devilishly brilliant trickster and schemer at times, and he can recall any information or trivia item to disprove or exemplify someone else’s argument or position. Sheldon may make mistakes from time to time, but on the whole, he can outperform everyone else on The Big Bang Theory.