The DC Universe’s Topmost Villain Has Joined the Justice League
A combination of rich supervillains, DC comics has a unique feature of it. So, it is not so surprising that publisher would love to put them all in the spotlight and highlight them often when it is possible. If we start naming them, it cannot be so easy to name, like Deathstroke, Black Adam, Lex Luthor and so on.
This is nothing new to have villains in comics. In comics history, the idea of emphasizing the character of villains takeover the whole climax.
If you are looking for the new surprise, It is good to know that villains are highlighted newly this time in Justice League.
Legion of Doom and Justice Legion Alpha

The Anti Monitor stated that, the most surprising and important among all the superheroes of the DC Universe. And it would be against Perpetua and one of the greatest villains would be the Legion of Doom in forever DC history.
“Doom War” was really epic storyline where the Justice League was seen encountering all kinds of pivotal allies from these times and spaces. The remarkable was Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV’s Climactic among of those. The entry into World War II to Kamandi was approached by the Justice Society of America from the beginning and from divergent futures of Justice Legion Alpha was actually held by Brainiac.
So, are you really excited to watch the movie for villains? We hope so!
Did you catch the trailer of upcoming trailer of Justice League 2: The Legion of Doom?
Source: CBR