The Flash Season 6 Introduces New Suit And The Monitor

The Flash is all ready to premiere its new season 6. As always, with a new season comes a new suit. But this year there’s a surprise visit from a character we have come to know.

New The Flash Season 6 Premiere Pictures Show Barry Allen’s New Suit

New Flash suit for season 6. Pic courtesy:
New Flash suit for season 6. Pic courtesy:

New photos have been released from the upcoming season premiere called “Into the void“. In there Barry Allen sports a new crimson flash suit. A lot of the new photos show him suited up. He also seems to be staring into some new device which casts an eerie blue light on him. His expression looks deadly serious which just indicates how serious the situation is.

There are some other photos as well which show Barry dressed down in casuals. In these pictures, he is seen hanging out with fellow team flash members Iris West-Allen, Cisco Ramon, Cecile Horton and Caitlin Snow.

All of the new released photos are set within STAR Labs which is the team’s base of operations.

New Mystery Character Shows Up In The Flash Season 6 Premiere

Monitor shows up in The flash season 6 premiere. Pic courtesy:
Monitor shows up in The flash season 6 premiere. Pic courtesy:

The mystery character who is seen in the pictures is none other than The Monitor. He was last seen in “Elseworlds“. In the above still, The Monitor appears in the Time Vault which is the very same place that teased Crisis back during the series premiere.

Grant Gustin had confirmed during San Diego Comic Con 2019 that the character will appear in the buildup to this year’s Arrowverse crossover. He said that:

“The Monitor shows up at the end of our first episode and says the universe is in jeopardy and in order to save the universe, Barry Allen has to die. And Barry Allen doesn’t know about this deal Oliver made with the Monitor, either, so someone’s gonna die.”

Check out some of the released pics from The Flash season 6 season premiere below:

Barry Allen with The flash team. Pic courtesy:
Barry Allen with The flash team. Pic courtesy:
Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen. Pic courtesy:
Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen. Pic courtesy:
Cisco Ramon in the new season premiere of The Flash. Pic courtesy:
Cisco Ramon in the new season premiere of The Flash. Pic courtesy:

The Flash returns October 8 p.m Tuesday on The CW.

Check out The Flash season 6 trailer below:

(Source: and

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