Since the beginning of the Infinite Frontier era, the Suicide Suicide has been picking conflicts with everyone in the DC Multiverse:

A Still Of Green Lantern V.S. The Suicide Squad
A Still from Suicide Squad #9 Of Green Lantern V.S. The Suicide Squad

Since the beginning of the Infinite Frontier era, the Suicide Suicide has been choosing battles with everyone in the DC Multiverse, including those who would be outclassed in a fair fight. Task Force X has slowly added to its expanding list of strong opponents while on the run for their more criminal actions, from infiltrating Teen Titans Academy to going on an extraction mission targeting the Crime Syndicate of America on Earth-3. And, when Amanda Waller sends the Suicide Squad on its most cosmic mission yet, the deadly gang collides with the newest human recruit to the Green Lantern Corps, Sojourner “Jo” Mullein. In the popular 2019 comic book miniseries Far Sector, N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell introduced Jo as a recent recruit to the Green Lantern Corps charged with solving a murder investigation in the remote city of Enduring, exposing a major conspiracy in the process. With Far Sector published by DC’s Young Animal imprint, it was initially unclear whether Jo and her adventures were canonical within the main DC Universe, but Jo was incorporated into the DCU after the subsequent Future State and Infinite Frontier eras, with Future State hinting that Jo is destined to one day serve as the Justice League’s resident Green Lantern. Jo faces off against Task Force X in Suicide Squad #9, written by Robbie Thompson, Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, Dexter Soy, Marcelo Maiolo, and Wes Abbott.

The Suicide Squad is dispatched to Oa to rescue a prisoner being imprisoned in the remains of the Green Lantern Corps’ previous headquarters:

A Still Of Jo from the Green Lantern Ought to arrest the Task Force X
A Still Of Jo from the Green Lantern Ought to arrest the Task Force X

Waller sends the Suicide Squad to Oa in an old Kryptonian starship from another dimension to remove a prisoner kept in the remains of the Green Lantern Corps’ former headquarters, left behind when the Central Power Battery detonated and the spacefaring peacekeepers fled the planet. While Oa is mostly abandoned, the Suicide Squad immediately catches Jo’s interest, and she returns to her previous headquarters to take on the majority of the team while a splinter group rushes to extract their intended new member. And, despite being a newbie in comparison to more experienced Green Lanterns, Jo more than holds her own against her opponents. As aquatic creatures on Oa rampage through the proceedings, Jo is shown conjuring forcefields capable of withstanding direct attacks from a defective Superboy clone. The opportunity for Jo to square up against Major Force is one of the crucial confrontations that occur between Jo and the squad. The Captain Atom supervillain has a particularly acrimonious relationship with Jo’s fellow Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner, torturing him for years and personally killing his lover in order to lead Kyle into a trap. Instead, Force advances to extract the target while the rest of his crew distracts Jo.

Jo faced the Suicide Squad on her own, and as a result, she was unable to bring them to intergalactic justice:

A Still Of The Task Force X Fighting Jo The Green Lantern
A Still Of The Task Force X Fighting Jo The Green Lantern

Jo has more than held her own against the Suicide Squad, but because of the sheer magnitude of the turmoil, Task Force X has escaped without her bringing them to cosmic justice. Meanwhile, the Suicide Squad’s cosmic voyage has given them even more explosive things to worry about as they leap from one spacefaring opponent headfirst into an ambush with another, threatening to end their spectacular mystery tour. And, after clashing with Jo Mullein, Amanda Waller has created a new, strong foe who may come after her soon.

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