It is a huge task to bring something that’s written on paper to life. That’s what actors and filmmakers do. They turn the scripts into movies that we later enjoy. Well, that’s not something that is created overnight. It takes a lot of effort, energy, time, and sometimes actors doing the grossest things to do a role. Things we would not even imagine doing. Some of the actors don’t just learn dialogues and deliver. They get into the skin of the character they’re playing and will do anything that is required. Method acting surely is worth a try, but sometimes it makes you do stuff you never thought you’ll do. So, here’s a list of actors who did the grossest things for a role in the movie. Check it out!

1. Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage eating a cockroach in Vampire's Kiss actors
Nicolas Cage eating a cockroach in Vampire’s Kiss

The actor ate a live cockroach for the movie Vampire’s Kiss. The scene that you see above involves a live cockroach that Nicolas Cage ate. He was known for taking daring risks and unique roles, but eating a live cockroach? We didn’t know he was that serious about experimenting with his roles.

2. Rosamund Pike

Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl actors
Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl

Now this one’s a little gruesome. Rosamund Pike appeared as Amy Dunner in the movie Gone Girl. In the movie’s climax, she murders Desi, her abusive ex-boyfriend. She was supposed to slice Neil Patrick Harris’ throat, who played Desi. So, do it better and make it look real, she got some pig carcasses and pretended to murder them. Yikes!

3. Matt Damon

Matt Damon in Elysium actors
Matt Damon in Elysium

For the movie Elysium, Matt Damon had to walk through garbage. The movie sure did have an expanded FX budget, but that didn’t mean most of the scenes could be shot using greenscreens. To show Los Angeles ravaged landscape, the producers used a garbage dump as a stand-in. Moreover, Matt revealed the dump location was mostly fecal matter.

4. Tony Todd

Tony Todd was stung by real bees for this scene in Candyman
Tony Todd was stung by real bees for this scene in Candyman

The veteran actor worked in many films, but his portrayal as a horror villain in Candyman became iconic. During the ’90s, using CGI was a big deal in horror films. So, mostly was done without it. So, for one of the scenes, bees were to sprawl out of Tony’s mouth, chest, and sleeves. But for this, no CGI was used. Instead, real bees were used that stung Tony. However, Tony made a smart deal. He got extra money for this shot!

5. Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman was in character when she peed on Zac Efron in the movie The Paperboy
Nicole Kidman was in character when she peed on Zac Efron in the movie The Paperboy

For one of the scenes in the movie The Paperboy, the Oscar winner Nicole Kidman peed on Zac Efron. He was stung by a jellyfish and according to a pop-culture belief, there’s only one way to get rid of the pain. And, that’s what you saw in the movie. Well, don’t try this in reality. Consult a doctor.

6. Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix in The Master
Joaquin Phoenix in The Master

In the movie The Master, Joaquin Pheonix played the role of a war veteran named Freddie Quell. The character was suffering from PTSD after the war that led him to have awkward speech patterns. Joaquin went into the character so much, that to portray the character’s speech problem, he got some parts of his jaw wired.

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