If you ask a layman to name a DC villain, they would right away mention the Joker. And why not? He is the poster boy of a psychotic villain and has himself a legacy. He Batman’s archnemesis and he has troubled the entire city of Gotham. He knows that Batman doesn’t kill and uses his disadvantage to the fullest. We know that the Joker has crossed our knowledge of horror, but there are times when he went beyond logic and committed some of the gruesome murders. Well, check it out!

Murders Sarah Gordon

Most gruesome acts by the Joker
Most gruesome acts by the Joker

The Gordon family is an important part of the DC as well. As they are with Batman, they are not in Joker’s good books. In No Man’s Land, Joker kidnaps a bunch of babies. Well, this isn’t the crazy part. He then confronts Jim Gordon’s wife, and legit throws a baby at her. While she tries to save the baby, he opens fire on her. In order to save the baby, she chose to get shot. The image of Sara murdered while being surrounded by a bunch of abandoned babies is horrific. This clearly shows just how black the Joker’s soul is.

Manipulates Superman

Most gruesome acts by the Joker
Most gruesome acts by the Joker

The Joker has been in love with Batman and Gotham City. His schemes are endless and the city was never truly free of his terror. But still, that never broke Batman and he never killed him. After being fed up with Batman, the Joker turned his eyes to Superman and was successful in manipulating him. In Injustice, the Joker managed to convince Superman that Lois, his pregnant wife, was actually the Doomsday monster. Following this, Superman flies Lois into space while suffocating her. Meanwhile, Joker nukes the city of Gotham. It was then that Superman broke his code, killed Joker, and started his reign of terror.

Drives Dr. Jeremiah Arkham Crazy

Most gruesome acts by the Joker
Most gruesome acts by the Joker

We all know how the Joker is famously known for talking people into gruesome acts. He is also capable of permanently damaging their psyche. We all know what he did to Dr Harleen Quizel who fell in love with the Joker and became the infamous Harley Quinn. Now, let’s talk about what the Joker did when he got one phone call to make. In Batman Confidential #22 to #25, after getting his one phone call from prison, he called the detective’s wife and convinced her to hang herself. He then manages to drive Arkkham so crazy that he turns into a blabbering writhing monster incapable of understanding anything.

Poisons Duke Thomas’ Parents

Most gruesome acts by the Joker
Most gruesome acts by the Joker

The Joker has poisoned, gassed, and shot an endless number of innocent Gothamites and it’s like a routine for him. But in Snyder and Capullo’s Endgame, the Joker was at his worst. He was dedicated to turning the entire Gotham into a zombie-like plague of laughing Jokers. Moreover, he wanted to turn the Justice League into smiling clowns dedicated to destroying Batman. In this entire process, Duke Thomas’ parents got caught in the middle and were poisoned past the return. Even Batman couldn’t come up with the cure for this poison and they were killed.

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