• 'The Penguin' series reimagines the classic villain with a new name.
  • Oz Cobb's humble beginnings set him apart from comic book lore.
  • The series welcomes the Elseworlds concept for fresh storytelling.

The Batman universe just got a spicy plot twist with its new series, The Penguin. Directed by Matt Reeves, this show is like a fresh pizza: hot, cheesy, and full of surprises!

We loved how The Batman (2022) made the Caped Crusader feel like a real-life hero. But now it’s getting way deeper into Gotham’s dark side. Plus, we’re getting a front-row seat to Penguin’s rise to power in the city’s crime scene.

A still from The Penguin
A still from The Penguin (Credits: HBO)

The series has also introduced a major change by giving the character a new last name: Cobb instead of Cobblepot. This shift makes his backstory quite different from what fans are used to.

A New Penguin with a Humble Beginning

The Penguin, played by Colin Farrell, struts in with a new last name—Cobb! Yes, you heard that right. Say goodbye to Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot and hello to Oswald “Oz” Cobb. Fans are hyped, wondering why this name swap happened.

A still from The Penguin
A still from The Penguin (Credits: HBO)

In the comics, Penguin has always been a rich kid, chilling in Gotham’s elite circle. But in the series, Oz Cobb is starting from scratch. No fancy family dinners or yacht parties here. 

He’s just a man trying to climb the crime ladder after being Carmine Falcone’s sidekick. The creators wanted to give him a gritty origin story that makes him feel more relatable—like an underdog in a superhero movie.

This change is huge because it sets him apart from the fancy Cobblepots we’ve known forever. Oz’s character is all about ambition and determination. He’s got a mom, but no trust fund. This makes him hungrier for power and respect. As The Penguin‘s creator, Lauren LeFranc, told Empire

So it was important to me that he comes from nothing, and he’s really aching to get more status and be seen as more important. 

Oz is not just someone in a top hat—he’s a survivor ready to take Gotham by storm. Imagine him as a rags-to-riches story, only instead of riches, it’s about ruling the criminal underworld. It’s a fresh take that gives fans a reason to root for him—even if he’s, you know, a villain.

The Penguin Reinvented for a New Era

So, why did Matt Reeves and the team decide to go all in on this new vibe? It turns out, The Penguin series is a part of a bigger trend. Warner Bros. is using the Elseworlds label, which is all about giving iconic characters new stories outside the main universe.

The Penguin
A still from The Penguin (Credits: HBO)

The Batman saga doesn’t have to follow the same old script as the DCEU. Instead, it gets to play with the characters in a way that feels new and exciting. Just like Todd Phillips did with Joker, they’re taking risks and rewriting the rules.

Oz Cobb is a different breed of Penguin, and fans are here for it. This series promises to explore the depths of Gotham’s crime families while keeping the dark, gritty aesthetic that Reeves nailed in The Batman.

So, in a nutshell, it is shaking things up! By giving us a Penguin who’s fighting for his place, the show is not only entertaining but also opens up a world of possibilities for future stories. So, whether you’re a hardcore comic fan or just love a good villain, Oz Cobb is a name to remember.

The Penguin is available to watch on HBO.

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